
2021年03月24日 09:16:37



  课程编码: 学 分:4

  课程名称:英语 学 时:64











  词汇与语法单选:20%; 完形填空:20%; 阅读理解:30%; 翻译:15%



  《大学英语读写(一)》 部分

  Unit 1 Fresh start

  1词汇:掌握Section A词汇表中的单词triumph, pledge, pose, routine, attain, foundation, resource, faculty, comprehensive, facility, community, explore


  3短语:灵活运用open the door to, in advance, all at once, reap the benefits (of), make the most of, over time, get by, stand a chance (of), remind…of, take pleasure in

  4句型: 掌握Nothing … as much as …, Sb, fail to do sth…., While sb. should do sth…., while sth. / sb. is / does…, sth. / sb. else is / does…

  5掌握写作技巧: How to develop a paragraph with a topic sentence supported by details


  7阅读技巧: 掌握Previewing

  Unit2: Loving parent, loving children

  1词汇:Section A词汇表中的单词rust, efficiency, blade, tube, paste, vehicle, toothpaste, polish, trash, dump, match, purple, closet, comic, fiction, romantic, clumsy, beloved


  3短语:make it, with open arms, strip off, keep back, free of/from, after all, straighten up, throw away

  4句型结构:掌握并熟练运用As …, sb. is proud /happy/sorry /sad… to do sth, In doing sth, sb. is reminded of sth, If sb. could give sb. else only one piece of advice about…, it would be this: Do sth.!



  7阅读:理解How to read in thought groups

  Unit 3: Digital campus

  1词汇:Section A词汇表中的单词campus, accessible, dialect, analyze, sophisticated, indispensable, regulate, estimate, compensate, solve, amazing, pitch, competitive


  3短语:keep up with, set up, fire off, take the lead, add to, stand out, in large part, visit with, account for, at a disadvantage

  4句型结构:熟练运用Sth. long a … of …, is being transformed into…, and …, A recent study/ research/ experiment found/ discovered/ indicated that…, With the widespread application of …/With the fast/rapid development of…

  5阅读:Distinguishing between facts and opinions

  6议论文写作:How to write a composition of “cause +effect” pattern就社会热点、时事等主题发表个人观点,论点需辅以合理论据。


  8 掌握阅读技巧并灵活运用:Distinguishing between facts and opinions

  Unit 5: Winning is not everything

  1词汇:Section A词汇表中的单词


  3短语:regardless of, give away, fall ill, pass away, up to, have no intention of doing sth., leave behind, might (just) as well, in attendance, to this day

  4句型结构:When sb. asserted his intention to do sth., other people reacted with …, to this day, sb. remains + adj. + example of how …., With sth. we can


  6 写作:How to write a paragraph a paragraph of time order


  Unit 7: Hoping for the better

  1词汇:Section A词汇表中的单词expel, exemplify, exaggerate, facilitate, extensive, frustrate, ultimate, illegal, accurate, browse, locate, conscious, plagiarize, campaign

  2 构词法:理解构词法,名词/动词+后缀-al变成形容词,动词+后缀-ence变成名词,名词+后缀-y变成形容词

  3短语:not to mention sth., rip off, cope with, launch / wage a campaign, all but, be confined to sth., descend into, if this/that is the case, turn in

  4句型结构:掌握Sb. did sth.. / sth. happened. Especially troubling / surprising/annoying are the reports / facts that… 用于表达“表述一种更令人担忧/吃惊/烦恼的现象或者事实感受”。Sth., once hailed as sth., could become sth. 用于表达“表述一种事物或者一个人今昔境况的对比”。 Whether discovered or not (whether conscious or unconscious), sth. will have an effect on sb.用于表达“表述不管在什么情况下某事都可能产生影响”。

  5 写作:How to a paragraph of examples

  6阅读:阅读速度达到每分钟80-100字,且能根据上下文推断重要词汇的大意finding out word meanings,基本判断作者的观点态度。


  《大学英语读写(二)》 部分

  Unit 1 Language as a mission

  1词汇:Section A词汇表中的单词 deviate, preclude, whereby, civic, patriotic, clear-cut, tedious, oblige, absorb, excursion, earnest, exclaim, whoa, civilization, architecture


  3短语:be serious about, make sense, run into, distinguish between, thrust upon, be attracted to, get lost, feel obliged to, look upon as, be allergic to

  4句型结构: Nothing … as much as …, Sb. fail to do sth…., while sb. should do sth…., While sth. / sb. is / does…, sth. / sb. else is / does…

  5阅读:Reading for the key ideas in sentences 找出句子的关键意思


  7写作:了解写作技巧How to move from paragraph to essay

  Unit 2 College-the ladder to success?

  1词汇:Section A词汇表中的单词 accounting, calculate, prospect, defect, persist, accelerate, succession, liberal, logical, promote, speculate, mystery, destructive, elegant, analysis, invest, insight, undertake, breakthrough


  3短语:prepare for, be bound to, stand up for, in favor of, speculate about, in the company of, in the form of, be liable to, invest…with, in succession

  4句型结构:掌握Sth. is/are more and more seen as … rather than …, Once + N., sth. now …, If sb. only do sth. / If sb. do sth. alone, it’s likely that … / sb. are liable to …

  5写作:理解How to focus on advantage


  7 阅读:掌握A paragraph of problem- solution pattern

  Unit 4. Dance with love

  1词汇:Section A词汇表中的单词gaze, cautious, dynamic, tempt, ambitious, superb, immune, approve, deserve, display, blur, confess, indifferent, inclined, faithful, contact


  3短语:immune to, fall in love with, go along with, on one’s behalf, be filled with, take the liberty of, expel from, be pessimistic about

  4 掌握句型:Sth.(a feeling) comes over sb. when sb. does sth”, True… but sb. does sth. /the truth is…, Despite sth., at one’s core, sb./sth. is…

  5 掌握阅读技巧:Understanding idiomatic expressions


  7写作技巧:How to focus on a narrative essay

  Unit 5 The money game

  1词汇:Section A词汇表中的单词manipulate, defy, contradict, recession, grave, nasty, depiction, paradox, upright, suspend, appetite, disguise, invade, derive, nourish, compact, explicit, scatter, retain, consult


  3短语:take stock of, put off, at odds with, on track, take in, consult with, refer to, do one’s utmost

  4语法:掌握句型结构Here’s another familiar example…, It’s been calculated that…, As sb. learn to do sth, sb. will do sth.


  6阅读:Understanding denotation and connotation理解关键词汇的外延与内涵,并根据上下文语境推测词意。

  7写作:How to focus on a social issue 就一般社会问题(如热点、舆论等)进行合理分析。


  Unit 7.Women: making a difference

  1词汇:Section A词汇表中的单词


  3短语:seek from, fell at ease with, take over, take exception to, burst into, on both counts, come down to, make concessions to

  4语法:掌握句型 “there is no dispute that...”, “would rather +v.”, “anything but…”

  5写作:How to focus on a cause-and-effect essay

  6翻译:英译中-婚纱, 中译英-中国刺绣

  7阅读:Reading between the lines
