
2022年09月19日 08:40:00




  Taijiquan, deriving from ancient China, is a significant branch of Chinese martial arts. It was initially used to defend oneself, however, it has become an efficient way to promote people' S physical health. A great many surveys have shown that it contributes to the maintenance of human bodies' strength, flexibility and equilibrium and, at the same time, reduces pressure and anxiety. Practic- ing Tajiquan makes people relaxed and pleased. Through its gentle and smooth movements, exercisers are able to feel calm and sober. These days, it has enjoyed a great deal of popularity throughout the. world, especially among a number of bodybuilders.




  Opera, which could be traced back to Tang Dynasty, be-longs to a kind of Chinese traditional art. One of the fea-tures of Chinese Opera that attracts spectators and audi-ences is its uniquely painted facial makeups, different kinds of which represent different characters and their corresponding destinies. The stories behind those charac-ters can be better understood by audiences and specta-tors through observing those diversified facial paintings.

  It is a great pleasure for Chinese to appreciate Chinese Opera, especially for the elders. In order to attract more younger generations, traditional opera needs developing and innovating continuously. Presently, an increasing number of foreigners have become absorbed in Chinese Opera.




  Red envelopes, commonly known as lucky money, are normally handed out to children during the Spring Festi- val by their elders to express blessing and wish them good luck, according to the traditional custom of Chinese folk.

  Nowadays, red envelopes are gifts for not only children but also elders, relatives and friends. In recent years, with the increasing of the amount of Wechat users, Wechat electronic red envelopes have become progressively pop- ular. While celebrating Chinese New Year, people often send Wechat red envelopes reciprocally, which undoubt- edly turns out to be a more convenient way to keep in touch with relatives and friends who stay faraway.