
2019年05月10日 14:45:00


  1. 《中华人民共和国教育法》指出:“适龄儿童、少年的父母或者监护人以及有关社会组织和个人有义

  务使适龄儿童、少年接受并完成规定年限的义务教育。”这是指义务教育具有( B )








  生动活泼地学习,这段话体现了教学的( A )


  5.教材编写、教学评估和考试命题的依据是( B )


  二、单项填空(共15 小题题,每题1 分,共15 分)

  6 ---Michael was late for Mr Smiths chemistry class this morning.

  ---____? As far as I know, he never comes late to class.

  A. So that B. why not C. who cares D. how come

  7. ---it is generally considered unwise to give a child_____ he or she wants.

  A. However B whatever C. whichever D wherever

  8. Toms owns_____ larger collection of_____ than any other students in our class.

  A. The;/ B.a;/ C, a; the D. /; the

  9. I'd appreciate__ if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.

  A. That B. it C. this D. you

  10. Though flu is a____ disease. it can cause death.

  A Regular B normal C usual D common

  11. It is a good thing for you to have such a good chance to study abroad, but it remains

  ___whether you can really learn something useful.

  A. Seen B. to see C. to be seen D. seeing

  12. The promising graduate was very good at____ his ideas during the discussion

  A. Putting B putting across C putting back D putting off

  13. I cant thank you____ much for your kindness because without your help I

  ____have won the first prize in the speech contest.

  A. Too wouldn’t B. very;shouldn’t C that;might not D. So;couldn't

  14. Honey, I'm looking forward to____ you soon.

  A Hear from B hearing from C be heard of D hear of

  15. I feel it is your husband who_____ for the spoiled child.

  A. Is to blame B should blame C. is to be blamed D. is going to blame
