
2019年04月15日 15:11:42


  1. So much about his ships on the sea that he didn’t sleep for a single minute all night.

  A. did he worry

  B. he did worry

  C. he worried

  D. worried he

  2. His new novel is said into a film last year.

  A. to make

  B. to have made

  C. to be made

  D. to have been made

  3. He tried several times to pass the exam. the end, he succeeded.

  A. On

  B. In

  C. At

  D. By

  4. The report of an earthquake(地震) in the South China Sea has not been yet.

  A. conflicted

  B. confused

  C. confined

  D. confirmed

  5. The clouds are gathering. We’d better hurry and the department store in case it rains.

  A. hand in

  B. face up to

  C. head for

  D. back up


  1. 【翻译】他如此担心出海的船队以至于整夜都没有睡觉。



  2. 【翻译】据说他的新小说去年被改编成了电影。



  3. 【翻译】他几次努力想通过考试,最后终于成功了。


  【精析】Bon the end不能搭配使用;in the end:终于,最终,最后;at the end:在……的终点,到……尽头,一般要与of搭配使用;by the end:到……为止,一般要与of搭配使用。故选B。

  4. 【翻译】有关中国南海发生地震的报道还没有被证实。


  【精析】D conflict:冲突,抵制,争执;confuse:使混乱,使困惑;confine:限制,禁闭;confirm:确认,确定,证实。根据句意可知,选D。

  5. 【翻译】乌云密布,我们最好快点去百货商店,以防下雨。


  【精析】C hand in:交上,提交,呈送;face up to:大胆面对,勇敢地面对;head for:驶向,前往;back up:支持,援助。根据句意可知,选C。
