
2019年04月12日 11:14:45


  1. People’s hobbies ()widely between men and women, between the old and the young.

  A. transfer

  B. vary

  C. alter

  D. shift

  2.() , the president managed to control the whole situation in the country after the terror attack.

  A. Difficult as it was

  B. As difficult it was

  C. Difficult if it was

  D. If it was difficult

  3. American women were ()the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.

  A. deprived

  B. neglected

  C. refused

  D. denied

  4. Our daughter didn’t know what to ()when she first entered the university, as she hadn’t make up her mind about her future.

  A. take in

  B. take up

  C. take over

  D. take after

  5. I can’t attend Mary’s birthday party next Sunday evening(), I thanked her for her kindly invitation.

  A. Otherwise

  B. Furthermore

  C. Nevertheless

  D. Therefore


  1. 【翻译】人们的兴趣爱好因性别和年龄的差异,会有很大的不同。


  【精析】B transfer:转移;vary:相应变化;alter:改变,更改;shift:转移。根据句意可知,选B。

  2. 【翻译】尽管困难重重,总统还是设法在恐怖袭击后控制了整个局势。


  【精析】A as表让步,意为“尽管”时,其倒装结构为“形容词/副词/情态动词/不带冠词的名词+as+主语+谓语”。故选A。

  3. 【翻译】经过多年来的艰苦斗争,直到1920年美国女性才被给予投票权。


  【精析】D deprive:剥夺,一般用于deprive sb.of sth.结构中;neglect:忽视;refuse:拒绝;deny:拒绝,否定,有“拒绝给予,不准”的意思。根据句意可知,选D。

  4. 【翻译】我们的女儿在初入大学的时候不知道该从事什么,因为她没有决定好自己的未来。


  【精析】B take in:接受,理解;take up:拿起,开始从事;take over:接管;take after:与……相像。根据句意可知,选B。

  5. 【翻译】我下周日晚上不能去参加玛丽的生日聚会了。不过,我要感谢她的盛情邀请。


  【精析】C otherwise:否则;furthermore:此外,而且;nevertheless:然而,不过;therefore:因此。根据句意可知,选C。
