
2016年12月21日 16:15:39







  1. The nurse added some sugars to the medicine to make it easy for the child to take.


  2. The sitting room would be much improved if you placed a furniture in the corner.


  3. Let me give you ______.


  A. some advice B. some advice C. an advice D. such an advice


  4. Usually there is ______ traffic in the streets on weekdays than on Sundays.


  A. little B. less C. few D. fewer


  5. Jim was upset last night because he had to do too many homeworks.


  6. I am afraid that there isn't ___ left for you two in my car. There are already five people in it.


  A.many rooms B. any rooms C. any room D. many rooms


  7. Half the forest was cut down to make a room for the new road.


  8. "I like your furniture very much." "Thank you. We bought ______ in Beijing."


  A. the most of them B. most of them C. the most of it D. most of it


  9. Jump in the car. There's enough ______ for you.


  A. place B. seat C. room D. space


  10. During the storm we took ______ in the doorway of a shop.


  A. help B. comfort C. guard D. shelter


  答案:1. B: sugar 2. C: a piece of furniture 3.A 4.B 5. much homework 6.C 7. make room for 8. 9.C 10.D 

