
2022年02月24日 16:18:01


  1.According to the passage, the way we dress____.

  A. provides clues for people who are critical of us

  B. indicates our likes and dislikes in choosing a career

  C.has an impact on the way people regard us

  D. is of particular importance when we age

  2. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.Clothes change people's conservative attitudes towards their lifestyles.

  B.Clothes help young people to make friends with the opposite sex.

  C.Teenagers like to wear fancy clothes.

  D.College students think clothes are helpful in their interpersonal relationships.

  3. What can we learn from the passage?

  A.Clothing is likely to be a way to gain confidence.

  B.Adolescent girls dislike their fellow students wearing fancy clothes.

  C. Newscasters in fancy clothes are regarded as convincing.

  D. Those who are dressed conservatively are often looked up to.

  4.If a woman applies for the position of manager, she should wear clothes of____

  A. less manliness

  B. more womanliness

  C.complete manliness

  D. less womanliness

  5.In which column of a journal can you find the passage?

  A. Law.


  C. Society.




  【精析】C根据第一段第一句“Clothes play a critical role in the conclusions wereach by providing clues to who people are, who they are not, and who they wouldlike to be.”可知,服装通过提供线索来说明人们是什么样的人、不是什么样的人以及想成为什么样的人,在我们得出的结论中起着极其重要的作用。由此可推知,我们的穿着方式影响人们看待我们的方式。故选C。


  【精析D根据第三段第四句“And college students who view themselves as playingan active role in their interpersonal relationships say they are concerned about thecostumes they must wear to play these roles successfully.”可知,认为自己在人际关系中扮演积极角色的大学生表示,他们关注为成功扮演这些角色而必须穿的服装。由此可推知,大学生认为服装在人际关系中是有用的。其他三项在文中均未提及。故选D。


  【精析】A根据第三段最后一句“Perhaps you have used clothing to gain confidencewhen you are in a stressful situation, such as a job interview, or an appearance incourt.”可知,当你处于有压力的情况下时,也许你利用了衣服来获得自信,即服装可能是用来获取自信的一种方式。故选A。


  【精析】D根据最后一段最后一句“Male administrators tend to judge women morefavorably for a managerial post when the women display less‘womanliness’,grooming shorter hair,slightly using make up and wearing plain clothing.”可知,当女性表现出较少的“女性气质”,梳着较短的头发,略微使用化妆品并穿朴素的服装时,男性管理者往往会更加肯定地考虑让女性担任管理职务。由此可推知,如果女性申请经理职位,她应该穿较少含有女性气质的服装。故选D。

