
2022年02月23日 16:39:01


  1.How did the researchers conduct the research?

  A. They gave up the outdated public records.

  B. They gathered information on pollution and plants.

  C.They did experiments in the Ohio State University.

  D. They studied data on technology in science journals.

  2.___could cut air pollutant levels.

  A.Expanding rural areas

  B. Developing Alaska and Hawaii

  C. Producing more coal, oil and gas

  D. Bringing back vegetation to land cover

  3. What is more cost-effective than trees and other plants?

  A. New energy.

  B.An industrial boiler.

  C.The nature-based method.

  D. New cleaning technology.

  4.The underlined phrase“make a difference”(Para.5 ) probablv means“___”

  A. be effective

  B. be significant

  C. take place

  D. stand out

  5. What does the passage mainly tell us?

  A. New technology can benefit the environment.

  B.Air pollution has worsened in the United States.

  C.Adding plant life cuts pollution and reduces costs.

  D. Different trees contribute differently to the environment.



  【精析】B根据第二段第一句“Bakshi and other researchers collected data about airpollution and plant life in 48 of the 50 American states.”可知,Bakshi和其他研究人员收集了美国50个州中48个州关于空气污染和植物的数据,即研究人员是通过收集关于污染和植物的信息来进行研究的。故选B。


  【精析】D根据第三段第一句“The research found that restoring vegetation to landcover could cut air pollutant levels by an average of 27 percent in the areas studied.”可知,研究发现,恢复地表的植被可以使被研究地区的空气污染物水平平均降低27%。故选D。


  【精析】B根据第四段最后两句“It found that only one piece of equipment…morecost effective than trees and other plants. That device is an industrial boiler.”可知,据估计只有一种设备比树木和其他植物的成本效益更高,那个设备就是工业锅炉。故选B。


  【精析】A根据倒数第二段“The study did not identify which kinds of plants wouldbe best at reducing air pollution. But Bakshi said the kind of vegetation would likelymake a difference in air quality and that further study would be needed.”可知,But前后两句话之间是转折关系,前一句话讲述了这项研究并没有确定哪种植物最能减少空气污染。由此可推知,后一句话应该是说这种植被可能会对空气质量产生影响,并且需要进一步的研究。make a difference意为“有影响,有作用”。beeffective:有效的,起作用的;be significant:有重大意义的,显著的; take place:(尤指根据安排或计划)发生;stand out:显眼,突出。故选A。

