
2024年09月19日 10:39:25

  1.It is said/reported/believed that... (据说/据报道/人们相信......)

  例:It is said that he is very rich. (据说他很富有。)

  2.as...as... (和......一样......)

  例:She is as beautiful as a fairy. (她美若天仙。)

  3.such...that... (如此......以至于......)

  例:It was such a hot day that we all stayed at home. (天气如此炎热以至于我们都待在家里。)

  4.so...that... (如此......以至于......)

  例:He ran so fast that I couldn't catch up with him. (他跑得如此快以至于我追不上他。)

  5.either...or... (要么......要么......)

  例:Either you or I am wrong. (要么你错,要么我错。)


  6.neither...nor... (既不......也不......)

  例:Neither he nor she likes swimming. (他和她都不喜欢游泳。)

  7.not...until... (直到......才......)

  例:I didn't go to bed until my father came back. (直到我父亲回来我才睡觉。)

  8.It's time (for sb.) to do sth. (是(某人)做某事的时候了)

  例:It's time for us to have lunch. (是我们吃午饭的时候了。)

  9.had better (not) do sth. (最好(不)做某事)

  例:You had better not smoke here. (你最好别在这抽烟。)

  10.find/think it + adj. + to do sth. (发现/认为做某事是......的)

  例:I find it difficult to learn English well. (我发现学好英语很难。)

  11.spend...(in) doing sth. / on sth. (花费......做某事/在某事上)

  例:He spends two hours in doing his homework every day. (他每天花两小时做作业。)

  12.be worth doing sth. (值得做某事)

  例:The book is worth reading. (这本书值得一读。)

  13.be busy doing sth. (忙于做某事)

  例:My mother is busy cooking dinner. (我妈妈正忙着做晚饭。)

  14.prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. (宁愿做某事而不愿做某事)

  例:I prefer to stay at home rather than go out. (我宁愿待在家里也不愿出去。)

  15.be going to do sth. (打算做某事)

  例:I'm going to visit my grandparents this weekend. (这个周末我打算去看望我的祖父母。)

  16.be + doing (现在进行时)

  例:They are playing basketball now. (他们现在正在打篮球。)

  17.have/has done (现在完成时)

  例:I have finished my homework. (我已经完成了作业。)

  18.used to do sth. (过去常常做某事)

  例:He used to play football after school. (他过去放学后常常踢足球。)

  19.be + adj. + enough to do sth. (足够......去做某事)

  例:He is old enough to go to school. (他到了上学的年龄。)

  20.It is + 一段时间 + since + 一般过去时

  例:It is two years since I came here. (自从我来到这里已经两年了。)