be famous of和for的区别

2024年03月13日 15:04:57

  be famous for和be famous as的区别:中文含义不同、用法不同。be famous for中文翻译为“因...而闻名”,引导的是并列从句,表示原原因的语气很弱; be famous as中文翻译为“作为..而出名”,引导原因状语从句,表示不说自明的原因或理由,语气较轻。


  be famous of 表示因某人、某事、某地或某物而著名,通常用于指受到公众认可并为公众熟悉、热爱、尊敬的人或物。

  be famous for 表示以某种知识、技能、作品或特征而出名,通常用于指受到公众广泛公认并为大家所熟悉、热爱和尊敬的人或物。


  be famous of 侧重于强调所属关系。

  be famous for 侧重于强调出名的原因。


  be famous of 强调的是所属关系,即某人、某事、某地或某物本身就具有某种特征或属性。

  be famous for 强调的是出名的原因,即某人、某事、某地或某物之所以出名是因为它们具有某种特定的特征或成就。

  例如,当提到鲁迅作为一位作家而出名时,可以说 "Lu Xun is famous as a writer",这里的 "as" 用来表示以某种身份而出名。而当提到中国因长城而出名时,可以说 "China is famous for the Great Wall",这里的 "for" 用来表示因为长城的特点而出名。

  需要注意的是,实际上并不存在 "be famous of" 这个结构,正确的结构应该是 "be famous as"。例如,"Lu Xun is famous as a writer" 中的 "as" 用来表示作为一位作家而出名。而 "be famous for" 是正确的结构,用来表示因为某种特征或成就而出名。

  be famous of和be famous for的例句

  Spain used to be famous for its strong armada.

  西班牙曾以其强大得舰队而著称。to be famous for something

  因某事而闻名Finally, Huadu will be famous for passion fruit, therefore forming a brand effect.

  把百香果打造成花都的名片之一,形成品牌效应。Dong Lian Quan also be famous for its mineral spring glycol of Chinese and fore reign.

  濂泉洞还以其甘醇得矿泉驰誉中外。Be famous for longstanding traditional service and hospitality


  6、This imperative of celebrity is what's most corrosive, says Wendy Cope, a poet. "I'm very depressed with this whole thing of young people just wanting to be famous for the sake of being famous."

  7、The British are supposed to be famous for laughing at themselves, but even their sense of humour has a limit, as the Briti tish retailer Gerald Ratner found out to his cost.

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