
2023年07月13日 10:18:29

  1.I saw a traffic ___ this morning.

  A. event

  B. conflict

  C. damage

  D. accident


  【精析】 D event 与accident 为近义词,都可表示“事件”。accident:事故,多指意外的事件或偶然事件;event:事件,常指重大事件或历史事件;confict:争执,冲突;damage:损害,损失。根据句意选 D。

  2. Works of arts and priceless historical records were___ in the big fire.

  A. harmed

  B. hurt

  C. damaged

  D. destroyed


  【精析】D harm:伤害,损害;hurt:(使)疼痛,受伤,多指肉体或情感上的伤害;damage:(有形的)损坏,


  3. On his way to the airport, it ___ to him that he had forgotten to take his passport.

  A. happened

  B. occurred

  C. reflected

  D. took place


  【精析】 B happen,occur,take place均可作“发生”讲。happen为一般用语,指具体事情的偶然发生;occur 为正式用语,表示“偶然发生”时可与happen换用,而occur to为固定搭配,表示“被想到,被想起”,此时主语为所想到的内容,常用it作形式主语,真正的主语为后面的that 从句;reflect:反映,反射;take place 一般指有计划、有安排地“发生,举行”。根据句意选B。

  4.We should value the rich legacy of literature which the old generation has ___ to us.

  A. handed out

  B. handed over

  C. handed in

  D. handed down


  【精析】 D hand out:分发,散发;hand over:交出,移交;hand in:交上,递交;hand down:把……传下来,将……传给后代。

  5. When they had finished playing,the children were made to___ all the toys they had taken out.

  A. put off

  B. put up

  C. put out

  D. put away


  【精析】 D put off:推迟;put up:举起,升起;put out:出版,熄灭;put away:将··收起。