
2023年06月19日 13:48:02


  单词是构成语言的三大要素之一,是语言的 " 建筑材料 ",是构建英语知识大厦的基石。在整个英语学习过程中,单词学习的任务是最繁重的。单词掌握多少和熟练程度直接影响运用语言表达思想的准确性 , 单词量的多少也直接影响着学生的各方面的能力。以下是小编为同学们总结的专升本必考的高频词汇。

  cancel /ˈkænsl/

  vt. 取消;删除 =delete

  例:She canceled her order for a pizza.

  扩展:call off 取消

  The football match was ____on account of rain.(2014)

  A. called up B. called on

  C. called off D. called for

  capable /ˈkeɪpəbl/

  adj. 有能力的;有才能的

  考点:be capable of doing 能...的

  be able to do有能力做某事

  sth enable sb to do sth 使某人有能力做某事

  have ability to do 有能力去做

  例句:The engineer is capable of handling the problem.


  扩展:capability n.能力

  incapable adj.没有能力的

  capacity n.容量

  If I have a good sleep I’ll be _____ to work out the problem.(2014)

  A. possible B. able C. capable D. reasonable

  真题再现:It was the stranger’s support that enabled him to complete the university studies.(2020-89)


  Please don't forget to your essays during Friday' lesson.(2019-35)

  A .handle in B.hand in

  C. hand D.handle

  capture /ˈkæptʃər/

  v. 俘获,捕获;夺取

  capt- 抓 catch

  eg:A large reward is offered for the capture of

  the criminals.

  eg:The criminal was captured soon.

  career /kəˈrɪr/

  n. 职业,事业

  巧计:开车(car) 的 (e) 人 (er) 开车也是一份事业

  career guidance 就业指导

  She is at the height of her career.


  Applying for a _____in the office of the local newspaper,he was told to see the manager.

  A.position B.career C.profession D.location

  charge /tʃɑːrdʒ/

  v. 充电;控告,收费

  考点:sb be in charge of sth 负责

  sth be in the charge of sb由...负责

  eg: 我负责这项工作。

  I am in charge of the work.

  The work is in the charge of me.

  take charge of 担任,负责

  charge sb with=accuse sb of 控告某人


  The shop assistant was dismissed as she was

  ____ of cheating customers.(2011-1)

  A. accused B. charged

  C. scolded D. cursed

  charge 通常指因服务所索取的费用。

  cost 通常用于价格,也可指“成本”“造价”

  price 一般的价格 the price of the book

  fee 指付给律师,医生的,教师的酬金

  the lawyer’s fee律师费

  school fee 学费


  Law school doesn't ____ as many years as medical school does.(2015-30)

  A. take B. cost

  C. spend D. pay

  cost: sth cost (sb) sm 某物花费某人多少钱

  take: It takes sb st/sm to do 花费多长时间/金钱去做某事

  spend: sb spend st/sm on sth/(in) doing sth


  pay:sb pay sm for sth 某人为某物花费多少钱

  circumstance /ˈsɜːkəmstəns/



  Under no circumstances ____ our car.(2017-18)

  A. they are borrow B. are they to borrow

  C. they will borrow D. could they be borrowing

  扩展:under no circumstance 绝不(位于句首,需要倒装)

  情/助/be +主+ 谓语动词

  Under no circumstances we may use the telephone

  in the office for personal affairs.

  command /kəˈmænd/


  考点:引导的从句用 (should) do的虚拟语气

  The captain commanded that his soldiers

  (should) go on to the front.

  comment /ˈkɑːment/



  考点:make comments on sth 对...做评论

  He made no comments on our proposal.

  This is the first draft(草稿) of the book. please feel perfectly free to ____on it.

  A.conform v. 遵守,符合

  B.complain v. 抱怨;投诉

  C.comment n./v. 评论

  D.confirm v. 确定


  commit /kəˈmɪt/


  考点:be committed to sth/doing sth承担义务..

  She is committed to taking care of her family.

  扩展:commit suicide 自杀

  commission n.佣金,委员会

  committee n.委员会

  commitment n.承诺;make a commitment 承诺;作出承诺


  He made a _____ to let all children learn English, but he soon found it impossible without an online course. (2015-2)

  A. confinement

  B. commitment

  C. conception

  D. commission

  deadly /ˈdedli/



  Passive smoking can be deadly too.

  positive adj.积极的

  deadly poison 致命的毒药


  Cars turn into dead weapons when they are driven carelessly.(2014-98)

  deceive /dɪˈsiːv/


  考点:deceive sb into doing sth欺骗某人做某事

  The boys,if my eyes did not deceive me,

  were praying.

  同根词:receive v. 得到,收到


  Mrs. Smith is kind and always_____ her help to others.(2020-33)

  A.offers B.makes

  C.shares D.receives

  decline /dɪˈklaɪn/


  It would be unkind and discourteous to decline a visit.

  扩展:decline and fall 衰败,衰亡

  in decline 在衰退中

  economic decline 经济衰退

  rate of decline递减速度

  I wonder why he ____ to discuss the problem at the meeting.

  A. declined B. rejected C. refused D. delayed

  refuse 表示“拒绝”,强调态度的肯定和坚决;

  reject 强调拒绝接受、不采用或不使用(提议,建议).

  delay 推迟=postpone

  =set back=put off

  形近词 line 线 incline v.倾斜

  deadline n.截止日期 underline n.下划线

  outline n.轮廓,外形;提纲 airline n.航线/航空公司

  online adj.在线的,网上的

  discipline n.纪律,惩罚,学科

  compare /kəmˈper/


  考点:compare A with B 把A和B做比较

  A be compared with B A 被与B比较

  例句: I will not compare you with other people.

  _____with the whole earth,the highest mountain doesn’t seem high at all.

  A.comparing B.compared

  C.to compare D.to be compared


  When compared with the book I bought yesterday, the one borrowed from the library doesn’t seem interesting.(2011-26)

  扩展:comparable adj.可比较的;比得上的

  comparative adj.比较的;相当的

  comparison n.比较;对照

  Published rates are not always directly comparable.


  考点:compare....to 比作

  I compare your eyes to the diamonds.