
2023年04月18日 15:22:52







  I. Vocabulary and Structure (60 points)

  1. These___ performed very well in the national dancing contest.

  A. woman dancers

  B. women dancers

  C. women's dancers

  D. woman's dancers

  2. A poet and artist___ coming to give us a lecture on literature and painting tomorrow.

  A. is

  B. are

  C. was

  D. were

  3.___ he left his home did he realize how important the family was for him.

  A. As soon as

  B. After

  C. Not until

  D. The moment

  4. She is always finding fult___ the way Molly works.

  A. in

  B. to

  C. about

  D. with

  5. Whether you like it or not, you have to get___ your homework everyday.

  A. used to doing

  B. used todo

  C. using todo

  D. to be using

  6.I was just talking to Jane when Dave___ .

  A. cut down

  B. cut in

  C. cut out

  D. cut up

  7. Hardly had we sat down at the table___ the phone rang.

  A. when

  B. where

  C. what

  D. which

  8.___ enough time,I would have done that project much better.

  A. If I should done

  B. Had I to have

  C. Had I had

  D. IfIhad

  9. The two girls are so alike that the neighbors find___ difficult to tell one from the other.

  A. it

  B. them

  C. her

  D. that

  10.___ to reach him on the phone, we sent an email instead.

  A. Fail .

  B. Failed

  C. To fail

  D. Having failed

  11. The final examination is coming up soon. It is time for us___ our studies.

  A. get down to

  B. get out of

  C. get in

  D. get over

  12. The teacher told us never to put off tll tomorrow___ we can do today.

  A. what

  B. which

  C. who

  D that

  13. If you___ to see David, what would you say to him?

  A. would be

  B. were

  C. will be

  D. are

  14. I enjoyed the movie very much. I wish I___ the book from which it was adopted.

  A. have read

  B. am reading

  C. would read

  D. had read

  15. The doctor looked___ the boy and told him to take the medicine on time.

  A. into

  B. for

  C. over

  D. at

  16. You are not___ to smoke in public places.

  A. admitted

  B. confused

  C perrmitted

  D. acknowledged

  17. It was in 2008___ the trade between the two countries reached its highest point

  A. when

  B. where

  C. which

  D. that

  18. His poor grammar was the primary___ of his writing problem.

  A. effect

  B. result

  C. reason

  D. cause

  19. It is important that the application form___ before Friday morming

  A. sall be handedin0O

  B. should be handed in

  C. will be handed in

  D. must be handed in

  20. The headmaster required that all the teacher___ at the meeting.

  A. present

  B. must be present

  C. be present

  D. would be present

  21. Ten years ago, the population of our hometown was___ that of theirs.

  A. twice as large as

  C. twice as much as

  B. as twice large as

  D. as twice many as

  22. The travelers know very lite about European culture,___ ?

  A. don't they

  B. do they

  C. aren't they

  D. are they

  23.___ ,she is much braver than many boys.

  A. Gir as is she

  B.Agir as she is

  C. Asa girl she is

  D. Gird asshe is

  24. Only by tlling the truth,___ win trust and support of your friends.

  A. you can

  B. can you

  C. you did

  D. did you

  25. The telephone was invented in 1876 by a man____ Alexander Graham Bell.

  A. named

  B. naming

  C. that names

  D. who named

  26. It is high time___ about the talfic problems in our ceity.

  A. something was done

  B. something is done

  C. something will be done

  D. something be done

  27. This is the third time that I___ to Summer Palace, and I still think it is marvelous.

  A. be

  B. was

  C. have been

  D. will be

  28. Why do not you just___ your own business and leave me alone?

  A. make

  B. open

  C. consider

  D. mind

  29.___ a chance, we will visit Shanghai a second time.

  A. To be given

  B. Given

  C. Giving

  D. Having given

  30. Road safety is taught to young children to___ road accidents

  A. lose

  B. avoid

  C stop

  D. dismiss

  31. Let people in need___ that we will do our best to help them.

  A. to understand

  B. understand C. understanding D. understood

  32. If only he had___ my advice, he would have passed the exam.

  A. heard

  B. listened

  C. carried

  D. taken

  33. Adobe llustrator(r AD) has brought___ changes in our lives.

  A. over

  B. outnl

  C. back


  34. Without internet,human life______ quite different today.

  A. would have been

  B. will be

  C. would be

  D. is

  35. Her first book has had good reviews since it___ last month.

  A. turned out

  B. came out

  C. started out

  D. went

  36. We haven't got much time, so please___ the point.

  A. depend on

  B. turnto

  C. put up

  D. stick to

  37.___ the light music enables us to feel relaxed.

  A. Listening

  B. Listened

  C. To listen

  D. is listened

  38. Alice had her luggage_____ an hour before the plane took off.

  A. check

  B. checked

  C. checking

  D. to check

  39. Mary____ be in Paris,I saw her in moment ago.

  A. wouldn't

  B. shouldn't

  C. mustn't

  D. couldn't










