
2023年03月16日 08:29:22

  You've made it. You managed to navigate your way through the world's largest airport without robot assistance; you breezed through security because you didn't pack any items that get you flagged by the TSA; and you successfully boarded the plane. Now you're comfortable in your seat in the (kind of incredibly germ-ridden) cabin, and there's even a little bit of elbow room, as the flight isn't fully booked for once. With the hassle behind you, you settle in with your neck pillow, pop some Kenny G on your iPod, and get ready to spend quality time sleeping on a plane. And you're about to make a huge mistake that will put your health at risk, as reported by Travel + Leisure.

  It's not because of the Kenny G. It's the shuteye part. According to MedlinePlus, falling asleep during landing or takeoff could cause serious damage to your ears. It all has to do with the rapid changes in air pressure in the cabin.

  If you're awake, a natural response to alleviate pressure on your eardrums during takeoff and landing is to 'pop' them, to maintain a pressure equilibrium. If you're sleeping on a plane, you can't actively work to relax those muscles and release the tension, so you can become susceptible to dizziness, ear infections, eardrum damage, hearing loss and nose bleeds.

  ‘A quick change in altitude affects the air pressure in the ear,’ says Angel Chalmers, a British pharmacist, via Express. 'This leads to a vacuum in the Eustachian tubes (咽鼓管) which makes the ears feel blocked and sound dull.'

  Keep those Eustachian tubes clear and keep those eyes open for at least another few minutes. Crack open that book you just bought in the terminal. After all, there are some major perks to buying your reading material at the airport.


  1.The underlined sentence “You've made it.” (Paragraph 1) means that you have managed __________.

  A.to board the plane

  B.to get a bit of elbow room

  C.to get ready to sleep after boarding

  D.to make yourself comfortable after boarding



  【精析】A you successfully boarded the plane, 可知是成功登上了飞机。

  2. What would damage your health when the plane takes off or lands?

  A.Using a neck pillow.

  B.Shutting your eyes.

  C.Listening to music.

  D.Falling asleep.



  【精析】D 定位第二段第二句 According to Medline plus, falling asleep during landing or takeoff could cause serious damage to your ears.可知飞机起飞或降落的时候睡着后对身体健康影响不好。

  3.The underlined word “alleviate” (Paragraph 2) is the closest in meaning to “______ ”.







  【精析】B increase 增加;reduce 减少;maintain 维持,主张;escape 逃跑;Alleviate 减缓,减弱,与其意思最相近的就是 B。

  4.Having a vacuum in the Eustachian tubes during takeoff and landing could cause unpleasant symptoms to the following body parts EXCEPT ___________.

  A.the throat

  B.the nose

  C.the ears

  D.the head



  【精析】A 定 位 到 第 二 段 到 倒 数 第 二 句 so you can become susceptible to dizziness, ear infections eardrum damage, hearing loss and nose bleeds.所以你就会很容易头晕(dizziness),耳膜损坏,丧失听力,还会流鼻血。所以排除 BCD,选择 A。

  5.The author suggests that you read a book ________during the plane taking off and landing.

  A.to amuse yourself

  B.to stay awake

  C.to keep your ears clear

  D.to make yourself comfortable



  【精析】B 作者建议在飞机起飞和降落的时候读书是为了 定位到最后一段 Keep those Eustachian tubes clear and keep those eyes open for at least another few minutes.保持耳朵的清晰,眼睛睁开至少要持续五分钟才不会对健康造成影响。排除法,A 娱乐自己, C 让耳朵更清楚 D 让自己更舒服。