
2023年02月15日 15:47:22


  51.京剧: Beijing/Peking Opera

  52.功夫: Kungfu

  53.太极拳: Tai Chi

  54.天坛: Altar of Heaven in Beijing

  55.故宫博物院: The Palace Museun

  56.相声: cross-talk/comic dialogue

  57.北京烤鸭: Beijing Roast Duck

  58.烟花爆竹: fireworks and firecracker

  59.敦煌莫高窟: Mogao Caves

  60.一国两制: One Country, Two Systems

  61.香港澳门同胞: Compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao

  62.长江中下游地区: The Mid-low Reaches of Yangtze River

  63.中外合资企业: Chinese-foreign joint venture

  64.大中型国有企业: large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises

  65.文化交流: cultural exchanges

  66.文化融合: cultural blending/integration

  67.西方文化: western culture

  68.多元文化: multi-culture

  69.文化多元化: cultural diversity

  70.保存珍惜: preserve and cherish

  71.取其精华: absorb its essence

  72.去其糟粕: . resist its dark side

  73.积极促进文化发展: promote cultural development positively

  74.与时俱进: keeping pace with times

  75.文化传统: cultural traditions
