
2023年02月15日 14:03:59

  宁夏专升本考试真题一般情况下教育考试院是不会公布的,很多真题都是考生回忆版或者一些教育机构整理出来的, 下面是小编整理了2020年宁夏专升本英语单选真题,考生们可看看。


  Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure (40 points, 1point each)

  Directions: In this part, there are 40 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

  1. Would you please____Lily with her English?

  A. to help

  B. helping

  C. help

  D. helped

  2. TwO pairs of shoes Ijust bought for my son_____made in China.

  A. Is

  B. are

  C. has

  D. was

  3. Neither he nor his parents_never_to America.

  A. has been

  B. have been

  C. has gone

  D. have gone

  4.They fel__ importantcomputer technology.

  A. it, learning

  B. it,learn

  C. it is, learning

  D. it, to learn

  5.1 don't have____to help you because I will go for meeting.

  A. too many time

  B. too much time

  C too much times

  D. much too time

  5. I heard that you__ already___ your tasks.

  A. finished

  B. finish

  C .have finished

  D. had finished

  7. He_ the newspaper when my mother came back.

  A. was reading

  B. is reading

  C. read

  D. had read

  8. Nor sooner had Istepped in the room_the phone rang.

  A. that

  B. when

  C. than

  D. then

  9. He is looking___to receiving your reply


  B. about

  C forward

  D. along

  10. Don't worry about it, the meal here is free of___

  A. demand B. supply C. offer D. charge

  11. The factory boss had to make all the workers__facemasks the whole day and night.

  A. making B. to make C .made D. makes

  12. They finally a new plan at the meeting

  A came offB. came upC came up withD. came to

  13. Please remind the students the light when they leave.

  A. turm off

  B. turm on

  C. to turn off

  D. to turn on

  14. Let's have birthday party onweekends

  A the, an

  B. an, the



  15.1 have to get u than usual in order to catch the first bus

  A. early

  B. earlier

  C. earliest

  D. very

  16. We should avoid a noise in the library

  A. make

  B. to make

  C. made

  D. making

  17. We all agreed to go with him, made him happ

  A. that

  B. which

  C. what

  D. when

  18.15 the shop your father bought last year near here

  A that

  B. where

  C. what

  D when

  19. -Do you really know tomorrow?

  A.BY plane where ne will go

  B. where will he go

  C. how he will go

  D. how will he go

  20. They in this town for many years since they moved here in 1999

  A. ived

  B, had lived

  C. have been

  D. had been

  21. They need to find a hotel because it's gtting dark outsid

  A. to live

  B. to live in

  C. livin

  D. lived in

  22. The boy found the way home e was only 3 years old.

  A. since

  B. though

  C. because

  D. as if

  23. The government must stop the trees every year

  A. cut down

  B cutting down

  C. being cut down

  D. are cut down

  24. What he salid reasonable. we must think it over

  A. sound

  B sounding

  C being


  25. He is the only person we can think of

  A. that

  B. who

  C whom

  D. whose

  26. He won the Noble Prize. this is he had worked at it for many years

  A. When

  B, because

  C. why

  D. ho

  27 Put on your coar you will catch a cold

  A and

  B. but


  D. So

  28. The examiner advised our ID card on the desk

  A. showing

  B. to show

  C showed

  29 People can't lving on the earth without water.

  D. show

  A. hope

  B. approve

  C expect

  D. imagine

  30. the ruth, the polean drt ee uprisede abouthe case

  A. Having known

  B. Knowing

  C To know

  D. Knew

  31.1am sory for having kept you for me solog

  A to wait

  B. waiting

  C waited

  D. wait

  32. students choose to study abroad nowadays

  A. The number of

  B. Much great

  C. Great many

  D. A number of

  33. Have some coffee

  A mayyou

  B. won't you

  C. do. Vol

  D. didn't you

  34.ltisour duty our parents when they getold.

  A. look after

  B. to look after

  C. take care

  D. to take care

  35. 1 wish las slim as you

  A. Am


  C. were

  D. will be

  36. There is no what he is going to do

  A. telling

  B. totel

  C. told


  37. He can't afford such a new car

  A paying for

  B. to pay for

  C paying off

  D. to payoff

  38. The fact he hasn't been seen recently worries us

  A. what

  B. how

  C when

  D. that

  39 -Shall we go camping to celebrate our graduation?

  A No way

  B. Good idea

  C It's nothing

  D. Not atall

  40. Please mind your head, ()

  A It doesnt matter

  B. Thanks a lot

  C Don't mention it

  D. Take it easy
