
2023年02月15日 13:37:15


  1.中国传统文化: traditional Chinese culture

  2.辉煌灿烂的文化遗产: splendid and glorious cultural heritage

  3.春节: the Spring Festival

  4.除夕: Chinese New Year' s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival

  5.元宵节: the Lantern Festival

  6.清明节: the Tomb Sweeping Day

  7.端午节: the Dragon Boat Festival

  8.中秋节: the Mid-Autumn Festival

  9.重阳节: the Double-Ninth Festival

  10.春秋时期: the Spring and Autumn Period

  11.战国时期: the Warring States Period

  12.秦代: the Qin Dynasty

  13.汉代: the Han Dynasty

  14.三国时期: the Three Kingdom Period

  15.唐代: the Tang Dynasty

  16.宋代: the Song Dynasty

  17.元代: the Yuan Dynasty

  18.明代: the Ming Dynasty

  19.清代: the Qing Dynasty

  20.儒家: Confucianism

  21.佛家: Buddhism

  22.道家: Taoism/Daoism

  23.孔子: Confucius

  24.孟子: Mencius
