
2023年02月10日 09:38:41


  1. 办年货: do Spring Festival shopping

  2. 扫尘: sweep the dust

  3. 祭灶: offer sacrifices to the God of Kitchen

  4. 守岁: stay up late on New Year’s Eve

  5. 祭祖: offer sacrifices to one's ancestors

  6. 贴春联: paste Spring Festival couplets

  7. 贴倒福: paste the Chinese character "Fu" upside down

  8. 吃团圆饭: have a family reunion dinner

  9. 看春晚: watch the Spring Festival gala

  10. 拜年: pay a New Year's call

  11. 穿新衣: wear new clothes

  12. 拿压岁钱: take gift money

  13. 祭财神: worship the God of Wealth

  14. 打麻将: play mahjong

  15. 放烟花: set off fireworks

  16. 放鞭炮: set off firecrackers

  17. 逛庙会: go to the temple fair

  18. 观赏舞龙/舞狮: watch lion/dragon dance

  19. 吃饺子: eat Jiaozi

  20. 烧香祈福: burn incense