
2023年02月08日 09:40:21


  Named for the dense shade of their thick pines, the Black Hills of South Dakota have for centuries been considered holy by the Lakota Sioux, once the most powerful tribe in the West. Today, because of the passions of a few artists, the land itself has become holy in another way.

  It took the obsessed sculptor Gutzon Borglum, his son Lincoln, and four hundred workers fourteen years (1927-1941) to complete an artistic and engineering project so monumental that no one believed it possible: carving and blasting the six-story faces of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln out of stony Mount Rushmore. A little trivia: Washington's eyes are 11 feet wide, and his nose is 26 feet Long. Mr. Lincoln, for his part, sport a mole (痣) that measures 16 inches across.

  Just 17 miles away, the gigantic Crazy Horse Memorial is slowly taking shape. Also carved into granite (花岗岩), this memorial, when completed somewhere around 2050, after a century's labor, will depict (刻画) Native America's greatest warriors chief on his horse, dwarfing Mount Rushmore at 563 feet tall. The horse's nostril (鼻孔) alone will be large enough to hold a five-room house.

  From Crazy Horse, head east on the beautiful 14-mile Needles Highway, past billion-ear-old granite hills, to Sylvan Lake and then north to Spearfish Canyon Scenic Byway, whose landscape you'll easily recognize as the backdrops used in the film Dances with Wolves. Alternatively, you can park your bags in the pleasant Game Lodge that served as Calvin Coolidge's Summer White House. Of the historic inn's seven rooms, you can still book the room the thirtieth president and his wife occupied during the three months in 1972. The lodge is one of three found within Custer State Park, whose 18-mile Wildlife Loop Road runs through unfenced meadows where herds of buffalo roam.


  1.The word “sports” in Paragraph 2 most probably means_________

  A.is famous for

  B.is characterized by

  C.is decorated with

  D.is accompanied by




  【精析】C Sport 本义有“点缀、装点”的意思,C 选项decorate,“装饰”符合题意。这里说林肯的石像上有颗痣,也就是“被一颗痣点缀”。

  2.Of four things mentioned in the passage, which one is the larges?

  A.Washington's eyes.

  B.Washington's nose.

  C.Lincoln's mole

  D.Crazy Horse's nose




  【精析】D 根据文章第二段最后 A little trivia: Washington's eyes are 11 feet wide, and his nose is 26 feet Long. Mr. Lincoln, for his part, sport a mole( 痣) that measures 16 inches across 以及第三段最后 The horse's nostri(l 鼻孔) alone will be large enough to hold a five-room house,可知,D 选项 Crazy Horse'ss nose 最大。

  3.Which of the following projects is still in progress?

  A.Lincoln's face.

  B.Crazy Horse.

  C.Summer White House.

  D.Wildlife Loop Road.




  【精析】B 根据文章第三段 Crazy Horse Memorial…when completed somewhere around 2050…可知,Crazy Horse Memorial 还未建完,大概在 2050 年完工。选 B。

  4. What is NOT a feature that Mount Rushmore sculpture and Crazy Horse have in common?A.They were very large.B.They were carved out of granite.C.They were located in the Black Hills.D.They both depicted the Indian tribes.


  【参考答案】D[考点]是非题【精析】D 根据文章第二段和第三段的描述可知,两个石像都非常的大,A 项正确。根据第三段 Also carved into granite(花岗岩)这个信息可知,两个石像都是有花岗岩组成,所以 B 项正确。C 文章第一段提到 Black Hills 因为几个艺术家的作品而闻名,然后介绍了两个地点的石像,这两个地点应同属于 Black Hill,所以 C 项正确,所以应该选 D,第一个石像群介绍的四个总统,第二个石像介绍一个美国最伟大的勇士之一, 所以不应该是 They both depicted Indian tribes。

  5.Who is the thirtieth president of the US?A.Thomas JeffersonB.Teddy Roosevelt.C.Abraham Lincoln.D.Calvin Coolidge.


  【参考答案】D[考点]细节题【精析】D 根据文章最后一段 Alternatively, you can park your bags in the pleasant Game Lodge that served as Calvin Coolidge's Summer White House。可知答案为D。