
2022年12月29日 09:06:35

  各省统招专升本英语考纲中基本都要求了考生需要掌握的单词在3400左右,在这3400个单词中有一些核心词汇是考试的重点,下面库课小编要给大家分享的是2023统招专升本英语核心词汇必背(4) ,希望考生们可以抽时间背诵。

  91. responsible adj. 有责任的

  be responsible for 对……负责任

  responsibility n. 责任,职责

  take on the responsibility 承担责任

  correspond with 与……相符 / 一致

  respond v. 回 / 响应

  response n. 回 / 响应

  in response to 响应

  92. since 自从,因为,既然


  作为“因为,既然” 放句首,引导句子

  now that 既然 = since

  as far as sb. / sth. be concerned 就某人 / 某事而言,在某人看来

  如 - as far as he is concerned 在他看来,就他而言

  so far= by now= till now= up to now 迄今为止

  93. ordinary adj. 普通的,平常的

  ordinary people 普通人,老百姓

  94. major v. 主修 n. 专业 adj. 主要的

  major in 主修,专攻

  95. hand in 上交

  hand down 传承

  hand over 移交

  hand out 分发

  lend sb. a hand= give sb. a hand= do sb. a favor= help sb. 帮助某人

  on the one hand, on the other hand 一方面,另一方面

  handle vt. 处理,应付 = deal with

  96. attend v. 出席,参加;照料,关心

  attend to 关心,照料

  attend school 上学

  attend class 上课

  be absent from 缺席

  97. lie v. 说谎 lied-lied n. 谎话

  v.lay- lain-lying(过去式 - 过去分词 - 现在分词)

  lay v. 下蛋,放置 -laid-laid

  tell a lie 说谎 lie to sb. 对某人说谎

  lie in= consist in 在于

  例:Happiness lies in finding someone who loves you.


  98. hardly/ scarcely...(倒装) when= no sooner...(倒装)than 一……就


  as soon as(主将从现或主从都是一般过去时)

  sooner or later 迟早,早晚

  as long as 只要

  even though= even if 尽管,即使

  99. similar adj. 相似的

  be similar to 与……相似

  be the same as 与……一样

  familiar adj. 熟悉的

  sb. be familiar with sth. 某人对 ... 感到熟悉

  sth. be familiar to sb. 某物为某人熟知

  fail v. 失败 fail to do sth. 做某事失败了

  failure n. 失败

  Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。

  be likely to do sth. 有可能做某事

  100. succeed v. 成功

  succeed (in) doing 成功做成

  failure n. 失败

  successful adj. 成功的

  success n. 成功

  achieve success 取得成功

  101. suggest v. 建议,暗示(暗示这个意思不要忘记)

  suggest that+ 主 +( should)+V 原 建议做某事(虚拟语气)

  suggest doing sth. = advise sb. to do 建议做某事

  102. turn on 打开

  turn off 关上

  turn up 调高

  turn down 调低,拒绝

  turn over 翻转

  turn into 变成

  turn out (to be) 结果证明是

  take turns to do sth. 轮流做

  103. account n. 账户,说明,解释

  account for 为……作出解释

  take account of=take sth. into account/consideration 把……考虑在内

  on no account= by no means= in no case 决不

  had better do sth. 最好做某事

  count v. 数数

  countless adj. 无数的

  count on= depend on= rely on 依赖,依靠

  104. achieve v. 实现,完成,达到

  achieve one's dream 实现梦想

  achieve success 取得成功

  achievement n. 成就,完成

  a sense of achievement 成就感

  105. general adj. 一般的,普遍的 n. 将军

  generation gap 代沟

  in general 一般来讲,大体上 = generally speaking

  in short 简言之,总之 = all in all/ in conclusion

  in particular 尤其,特别

  in common 共同的

  106. currently adv. 现在地,目前地 = at present= nowadays

  107. like v. 喜欢 prep. 好像,如

  dislike v. 不喜欢,讨厌

  unlike adj. 不同的,不相似的

  alike adj. 相像的,同样的

  likely adj. 可能的

  be likely to 有可能做

  feel like doing sth= would like to do sth 想要做某事

  look like 看起来像

  108. add v. 添加,增加

  add...to... 把……添加到……

  add up to 合计达到,增加到

  add up 加起来

  addition n. 增加

  in addition=what's more 此外,而且

  in addition to= besides+n. 除了

  109. base n. 底部,基础,根据地 v. 以……为基础,以 ……为根据

  be based on 以……为基础

  base A on B 把 A 建立在 B 的基础上

  basis n. 基础,基本

  on the basis of 以……为基础,在……的基础上

  on the basis of theory/ experiment 在理论 / 验的基础上

  basic adj. 基本的

  110. adapt to 适应(必须跟 to 连用)

  adopt vt. 采纳,收养 如:adopt a child 收养一个小孩儿

  (注意 adopt 是及物动词,后直接跟宾语,不需要介词)

  freshman n. 大一新生

  111. advance n./v. 前进,提前 / 升

  in advance= ahead of time/ schedule 提前

  advantage n. 优势 / 点

  disadvantage n. 劣势,缺点

  take( full) advantage of = make(full) use of (充分)利用

  have to 不得不

  112. advise v. 劝告,建议 advice n. 建议(不可数名词)

  advise sb. to do sth. = advise doing sth. = suggest doing 建议做某事

  as soon as possible 尽快

  advise that+ (should)+V 原 建议做某事(虚拟语气)

  113. allow doing 允许做

  allow sb. to do 允许某人做

  (注意 allow 后面直接跟 sb. 的话就是 to do,否则就是 doing)

  actually =in fact= as a matter of fact 事实上,实际上

  not...at all 一点也不

  cheat in the exam

  114. lonely adj. 孤独的,偏僻的,荒凉的

  alone adj. 单独的(指一个人独处的状态) adv. 独地,独自地

  leave alone 不打扰,不惊动

  leave me alone 让我静静 / 让我自己待一会儿

  puzzled adj. 困惑的 strange adj. 奇怪的 stranger n. 陌生人

  companion n. 伙伴,朋友 company n. 公司 v. 陪伴

  keep... company 陪伴

  firm n. 公司 = corporation

  enterprise n. 企业

  115. appeal n./v. 呼呼,上述

  appeal to 呼吁,吸引

  116. appreciate(one's) doing 感激,欣赏

  thank sb. for sth. 因某事感谢某人

  admit v. 承认

  admire v. 崇拜,钦佩

  117. waste v. 浪费 n. 浪费,废料,废弃物

  sort n. 种类 v. 分类

  118. away prep. 离开,远离

  get away from 远离,摆脱 = get rid of put away 收好,放好

  give away 泄露,赠送,分发

  run away 逃跑

  119. experience n. 经历(可数),经验(不可数)

  120. through prep. 通过(从内部纵穿)

  go through 经历 look through 浏览

  go through the forest 穿过森林

  across prep. 穿过(从表面横穿)

  go across 穿过 --- go across the road 过马路

  thoroughly adv. 彻底地,全面地

  though conj. 虽然,尽管 = although= even if/ though+ 句子

  thought v. 想,思考( think 的过去式)n. 思想,想法 =idea

  rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨

  search for 寻找
