
2022年11月07日 08:57:55


  1. Parents should cooperate with teachers and________ themselves in their children's education.

  A. get

  B. involve

  C. find

  D. keep

  2. She wants to study abroad so she has to_______ some Money every month to prepare for that.

  A. set aside

  B. set up

  C. set about

  D. set out

  3.A new system of quality control was_________ to overcome the shortcomings in the firm’s products.

  A. invested

  B. informed

  C. introduced

  D. instructed

  4. —What a nice fire you have in your fireplace! —During the winter I like my house_________.

  A. warmly and comfortably

  B. warm and comfortable

  C. warm and comfortably

  D. warmly and comfortable

  5. Sean has formed the habit of jogging_________ the tree-lined avenue for two hours every day.

  A. between

  B. along

  C. below

  D. with

  6.Read this story, __________ you will realize that not everything can be bought with money.





  7. Frank used to be________ strong. But now he's down to his last tooth.

  A. too much

  B. far from

  C.more than

  D.less than

  8. —How far is it from your home to the post office?

  —It’s about a________ walk.

  A. two mile’

  B. two miles

  C. two-mile

  D.two mile’s


  1.【翻译】 父母应该与老师们合作并让自己参与到孩子的教育中。[考点]词义辨析

  【精析】B get:获得,变成involve:涉及,牵涉,使卷入,常用的表达方式为“involve sb. In sth. 意为“使某人参加、加入某事” ;find:找到;keep:保存,保持。根据句意可知,选B。

  2.【翻译】 她想出国学习,因此她必须每个月都留出一些钱为此做准备。[考点]词义辨析

  【精析】A set aside:省出,留出(钱或时间);set up:建立,设立;set about:开始做,着手做;set out: 动身,启程。根据句意可知,选A。

  3.【翻译】 公司引进了一种新的质量监测系统来克服产品的不足。[考点]词义辨析

  【精析】C invest:投资,花费,授予;inform:通知,获悉;introduce:介绍,引进,提出;instruct :指导, 命令,通知。根据句意可知,选C。

  4.【翻译】 你壁炉里的火多好啊!——在冬天,我喜欢我的房子既温暖又舒服。[考点]词义辨析

  【精析】B warm:温暖的;warmly:温暖地;comfortable:舒适的;comfortably:舒适地。说明宾语的特征,要用形容词作宾语补足语,不可以用副词,而且and连接的两个词通常词性是一致的。故 选 B。


  【精析】B between:在……之间;along:沿着,一起;below:在……下面;with:和,随着。根据句意 可知,选 B。

  6.【翻译】 读了这个故事,你将会意识到并不是一切东西都能用金钱买到。


  【精析】B分析句子结构可知,本题为“祈使句+ and/or +陈述句”结构,本句中前面的祈使句表 示条件,后面的陈述句表示此条件下产生的结果。or:否则;and:和,就;but:但是;s。:所以。根据句 意可知,应用连词and。故选B。


  【精析】C more than后面可以跟形容词、副词,相当于very或much,表示“十分,非常,很”。too much:太多;far from:远离,远非;less than:少于。根据句意可知,选C。

  8.【翻译】 ——从你家到办公室有多远?走路大约两英里。[考点]数词的用法

  【精析】C “数词+可数名词”作定语修饰其他名词时,若数词和可数名词之间有连字符连接,则 名词应用单数形式。所以,两英里的路程可以用a two-mile walk或two miles' walk表示。故选C。
