
2022年10月21日 14:53:46


  1.away from 除了…之外

  =aside from

  =except for

  2.by oneself 靠自己,独自

  = (all) on one’s own

  = (all) alone

  for oneself 为自己

  3.be in possession of…拥有

  =be possessed of…

  = possess…

  = take possession of

  4.look after…照顾

  = take care of… = care for…

  = mind… = watch…

  = deal with… = attend to…

  5.look on/upon A as B 把A视为B

  =think of A as B

  =view A as B =see A as B

  =regard A as B =consider A as B

  6.in quest of…寻求

  = in search of…

  7.How’s it going with you? 你近来如何?(固定搭配)

  =How are you (doing)?

  8.on impulse 冲动地,一时兴起(副词词组,修饰动词)

  = on a whim

  impulse n.冲动



  10.be out of work 失业

  =be out of a job

  =be unemployed

  11.on the dot一分不差地/准时

  =to the minute = exactly

  12.by the minute 一分一秒地

  =minute by minute =each/every minute

  13.in a minute 待会儿

  = in a second = in a moment

  = in a jiffy(口语用法)

  14.keep in touch with 与…联络

  = keep in contact with …

  =make contact with… =contact…

  15.come up with… 想出/提出…(答案,主意等)

  =figure out…=hit on/upon (高考英语出现过)


  ban/prohibit/restrict/restrain sb from doing sth 禁止某人做某事

  prevent/stop sb (from) doing sth 阻止某人做某事

  =keep sb from doing sth

  例外:forbid sb to do sth 禁止某人做某事

  17.have a liking for… 喜欢

  =take a liking/fancy to…

  = like/love/enjoy…= be fond of…

  18.to be frank with you, …坦白(跟你)说/老实说,…

  = frankly speaking, …

  = to tell you the truth,…

  = to be honest (with you), …

  19.feel at ease感到轻松 =feel relaxed

  not feel at ease 感到不安 =feel unease

  20.look out for…小心/注意…

  =watch out for…

  21.by no means 决不,绝不

  = not… by any means

  =not…at all

  =not …in the least

  =not …in the slightest

  =under no circumstances


  22.burst into tears 突然大哭

  =burst out crying

  burst into laughter 突然大笑

  =burst out laughing

  23.for nothing 免费

  =for free = free

  =without payment

  24.for the time being目前

  = for the present

  25.see to it + that从句 务必确定…

  =make sure + that从句 =ensure that从句


  26.be tired from +名词/代词/动名词(doing) 因…而疲劳/累

  be tired of +名词/代词/动名词(doing) 对…厌倦

  be sick and tired of +名词/代词/动名词(doing) 对…厌倦

  相当于be sick of与be tired of的结合,起到强大作用

  相当于be bored with…或be fed up with…

  27.look down on/upon 轻视/瞧不起某人

  = despise/scorn/disdain

  28.look up to sb 尊敬某人

  = respect sb

  = hold sb in high esteem

  29.make up for… 为…补偿;弥补

  = compensate for…(高考考过)

  30.the road to +名词 通往…之道

  = the key to +名词