
2022年08月25日 16:13:33


  Nanning:With the number of college graduates climbing to a record high this year—some 2.12 million are entering the job market,an increase of 670,000,or 46.2 percent,over last year,many people are asking if China's first “McDonald's generation",born in the early 1980s,can stand the intense competition and find a place in the job market.They say this will be a test of both China's job market and its carefree younger generation.

  “Do not worry.We'll get whatever we want",they tell each other to ease their own anxiety.

  Born in the early days of the country's reform and opening to the outside world,growing up in the market economy,the youngsters,familiar with McDonald's and Mickey Mouse,love to eat hamburgers,and wear foreign brand jeans and T-shirts and worship Bill Gates.Compared with their parents,they enjoy more freedom in looking for a job—and with that freedom come burdens.

  These college graduates are seen scouring recruitment information in newspapers and journals,the Internet and job markets nationwide.

  Shortly after hotel management major Hao Wenhua,a young woman from Chongqing in Southwest China,failed the recruitment test of a five star hotel in Guilin,South China's Guangxi huang Autonomous Region,She appeared at a job market in Nanning,approximately 300 kilometers from Guilin,looking rather tired.

  Many businesses and companies say that they would take on experienced staff rather than the new graduates who are short of the experience of how to succeed in today's fast paced society.

  1.Which of the following groups of people belongs to China's first McDonald's generation

  A.People who were born in the early days of China's reform and opening to the outside world.

  B.People who like to eat hamburgers and wear foreign brand clothes.

  C.People who admire Bill Gates.

  D.People who lack the experience of how to succeed in today's fast changing world.

  2.Which of the following explanation is closest in meaning with the underlined word“scouring"in the passage


  B.Going through.



  3.What can we infer from the story of Hao Wenhua in the passage We can infer.

  A.that there are many chances to find jobs in Guangxi huang Autonomous Region

  B.that hotel management is not a good major in college

  C.that there is intense competition in the job market

  D.that many businesses and companies don't like new college graduates

  4.What is the best title for the passage

  A.Fierce Competition in the Job Market.

  B.McDonald's Generation Has Grown up.

  C.McDonald's Generation Faces Job Hunting.

  D.The Number of College Graduates Climbs to the Highest Point.

  1.第一段在提到China's first McDonald's generation时,后面用born in the early 1980s对其作了解释,B、C、D三个选项的内容虽然都在文中出现,但它们如果用来解释first McDonald generation则有以偏概全的意思。B、C、D并不只是“麦当劳第一代"才有的特点。答案为A。

  2.这是一道猜义题。毕业生们都正在找工作,肯定会搜寻大量的关于工作方面的信息,而在这个过程中,不会单纯地copy或collect,而study则没有go through的“仔细系统地研究"的意思,体现不出毕业生们在找工作时的挑剔。答案为B。

  3.文中第一段就提到了市场上的激烈竞争,而Hao Wenhua的例子正说明了这一点,D项又

