
2022年08月17日 15:58:19


  6. me vs. myself

  不管是以英语为母语的人,还是英语学习者,都会混淆"me" 和"my-self" 。许多母语不是英语的人会在应该使用"me" 的时候用"my- self",因为他们认为"myself" 比"me" 更有礼貌,其实这是错误的。"me" 是人称代词宾格,是动作实施对象,例如"Please call me if you have any questions." ;"myself" 是反身代词, 用在自己要对自己实施某动作的时候,例如"I gave myself a break from studying today."

  7. could, should, or would


  "should"用来提供建议,比如"That shirt looks great on you. I think you should buyit."。 would"则是用来描述不可能或者虚拟的事情,比如"Iwould love to go to Italy but I don't have enough money."

  这句话就是在说一件不可能发生的事。而"would" 也可以表示委婉语气,就像这句"Would you like some tea?"

  "could" 有三种用法:

  ①描述过去的能力,例:"When was younger,I could run twice as fast."

  ②描述将来可能发生的事,例:"If we work really hard, think we could save upenough money for a vacation this year."

  ③用于礼貌请求,例:"Could have a cup of tea?

  8. there,their, or they're

  这三个词发音相同,用法却完全不同。"There" 可以表示“那里”,表示一个指定地方,例如"The book is over there on thetable" ;"there" 也可以和be动词一起使用构成"there+be"句型,例如"There are 5cafes on this street."。"Their" 是形容词性物主代词,意为“他(它)们的”,例如"That's their house."

  "They're"是"theyare" 的缩写,用法也是一样,你可以说

  "They're going to play soccer with ustonight",也可以说"They are going to play soccer with ustonight",意思完全一样。

  9. its vs. it's

  和上一条一样,这两个词读音相同,用法完全不同。"it's"是"it is"的缩写,用法也是相同,你可以说"It's really cold outside today."也可以说"It is really cold outside today.",意思完全相同。"its" 则是"it" 的物主代词形式,意为"它的"

  例如“This city is known for its amazing pasta."。

  10.a vs.the


  例如"Let'swatch amovie",这句话中的"movie" 并没有特指;如果你要谈论的事物大家都很熟悉,那就可以使用定冠词"the",例如"Let's watch the movie",这句话中的"movie" 则是表示一部谈话双方都知道的、正在谈论的电影。