
2022年08月12日 15:05:53



  I am often asked to describe the experience of raising a child with a disability. It is like this.1 you are going to have a baby, it's like preparing a vacation trip to Italy. You 2 a bunch of guidebooks ajid make wonderful 3 . You may learn some useful phrases 4 Italian. It's all very exciting. 5 several months of eager expectation, the day finally 6 . You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours 7 , the plane lands in Holland. uWhy Holland?,J you say. "I sign up 8 Italy I All my life I've dreamed 9 going to Italy. " But you have landed, in Holland and 10 you must stay.

  The important thing is to remember that they haven't taken you 11 a horrible, disgusting, filthy place. It's just a 12 place. So you go out and buy new guidebooks 13 you must learn a whole new language. Holland may be slower-paced 14 Italy. But after you have been there for a while, you 15 that Holland has windmills and tulips (郁金香).Everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy, and they are all boasting about 16 a wonderful time they had there. And for the .17 of your life you will say, "Yes, thafs where I was 18 to go”. But if you spend your life 19 the fact that you didn't get to Italy, you may never be free to 20 the very special, the very lovely things about Holland.

  1. A. WhenB. IfC. AsD. Before

  2. A. buyB. writeC. packD. make

  3. A. tripsB. plansC. toursD. preparations

  4. A. forB. ofC. inD. to

  5. A. BeforeB. ThoughC. ThroughD. After

  6. A. passesB. arrivesC. endsD. goes

  7. A. lateB. laterC. offD. away

  8. A. forB. inC. atD. as

  9. A. forB. ofC. byD. up

  10. A. whereB. onC. thereD. then

  11. A. atB. onC. toD. through

  12. A. differentB. newC. familiarD. wrong

  13. A. soB. andC. thatD. if

  14. A. asB. byC. inD. than

  15. A. findB. supposeC. exceptD. feel

  16. A. howB. whatC. manyD. being

  17. A. restB. wholeC. betterD. more

  18. A. plannedB. supposedC. expectedD. finding

  19. A. rememberingB. regrettingC. memorizingD. finding

  20. A. getB. haveC. seeD. enjoy

  1. 【精析】A。语法结构题。when引导时间状语从句,表示“当……的时候”,本句大意为“当你将要有个 孩子的时候,就会像是……”,而此时用if,as或before都是不适当的,故A为正确选项。

  2. 【精析】A。理解推断题。a bunch of guidebooks应该是买来的,而不是自己写的或制造的。根据第二 段中“buy new guidebooks"也可推知此处为buy,故正确答案为A。

  3. 【精析】B。理解推断题。句意:你买了许多旅行指南,并制订了许多极好的计划。根据句意推断可知 应选B。

  4. 【精析】C。词语搭配题。本句句意:你可能会学一些有用的意大利语。根据句意可知此处指“用意大 利语”,'‘用某种语言讲”通常用介词in加某种语言。

  5. 【精析】D。理解推断题。本句大意为“在数月热切的期盼后,那一天终于来临了”。根据前后分句逻 辑可推断应用“after” ,故D为正确答案。

  6. [精析】B。词义辨析题。pass:通过,走过;arrive:至[J达,来临;end:结束;go:去,走。根据句意可知此处 应为“那一天终于到来了”,故正确答案为B项。

  7. 【精析】B。理解推断题。上句意为“收拾行装上路了”,下半句指“飞机抵达荷兰”,可知此半句应为 “几个小时后”,应该用“later”,故B为正确答案。

  8. 【精析】A。词语搭配题。“sign up for sth. ”为固定搭配,原意为“注册,报名参加”,此句意为“我(飞机 票上)签的是意大利!”,故正确答案为A。

  9. 【精析】B。词语搭配题。“dream of dong sth. ”为固•定搭配,意为“梦想着要做某事”,故B为正确答 案。

  10. 【精析】C。语法结构题。there:那里,此处指“Holland”,把“ there”提前起强调的作用,指你必须待在 那里,故C为正确选项。

  11. 【精析】C。词语搭配题。“take sb. to someplace"指把某人带到某地,为固定搭配,故C正确。

  12. 【精析】A。理解推断题。与Italy相比,Holland只不过是— 不同的地方;由上文“they haven, taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place”可知,<£wrong”不符合文意,故 A 为正确选项。

  13. 【精析】B。理解推断题。买新的指导书和学新的语言是并列的关系,故应该用“and”,故B正确。

  14. 【精析】D。语法结构题。“slower-paced”为“slow-paced”的比较级,后应接“ than”,故D为正确答案。

  15. 【精析】A。词义辨析题。suppose:推断,假设;except:除了;feel:感觉。这三项都不符合句意。A. find:发现,放在句中指“你发现荷兰有风车和郁金香”,故A正确。

  16. 【精析】B。语法结构题。“what a wonderful time”相当于“how wonderful a time”,为感叹句的固定用 法,故B正确。

  17. 【精析】A。理解推断题。本句大意是“在剩余的生命里”,即“在接下来的日子里”,只有“rest”符合 句意,故A为正确答案。

  18. 【精析】B。词语搭配题。“be supposed to do sth. ”是固定搭配,指应该做某事,故B为正确选项。

  19. 【精析】B。理解推断题。本句大意是“但是如果你把生命都花费在遗憾没有去成意大利这件事上”, 故此处应填regretting (遗憾),B正确。

  20. 【精析】D。理解推断题。本句大意是“但是如果你一直对没有去成意大利而感到遗憾,你就永远不 能尽情享受荷兰那些独特而美好的事物所带来的乐趣。”A、B、C三项均不符合句意,enjoy意为“欣赏,享受”, 故D正确。