
2022年07月26日 09:02:15



  1. wander [ˈwɑndə]

  vi. 闲逛,漫步;走神

  2. reputation [repjuˈteiʃən]

  n. 名气,名声,名誉

  3. pretend [priˈtend]

  v. 假装,装作

  4. despair [diˈspeə]

  n. 绝望;使人绝望的人 ( 或物 ) vi. (of) 绝 望

  5. awake [əˈweik]

  a. 醒着的 vi. 醒,觉醒 vt. 唤醒,觉醒

  6. misery [ˈmizəri]

  n. 痛苦,苦恼,苦难;悲惨的境遇,贫苦

  7. preference [ˈprefərəns]

  n. 偏爱,优先 ( 权 );偏爱的事物 ( 或人 )

  8. collector [kəˈlektə]

  n. 收款 ( 税 ) 员;收藏家

  9. miserable [ˈmizərəbəl]

  a. 痛苦的,悲惨的;令人难受的

  10. annoy [əˈnɔi]

  vt. 使恼怒,使烦恼


  1.--- You must be excited about going to Japan for schooling.

  ---_______ , but I'm afraid I can't do well because Japanese is poor.

  A. Never mind

  B. Well, I ought to

  C. I don't know yet

  D. Certainly not

  2. ---What do you think of your nephew?

  ---He_______ be very naughty but at the same time you poor.

  A. will ; will

  B. won't; can't

  C. may ; may

  D. can; can't

  3. Exercise is________ as any other to lose unwanted weight.

  A. so useful a way

  B. as a useful way

  C. as useful a way

  D. such a useful way

  4. ---________ you________ the editor at the airport?

  ---No, he________ away before my arrival.

  A. Have... met; has driven

  B. Had... met; was driven

  C. Did... meet; had been driven

  D. Have... met; had driven

  5. ---Why didn't you answer my phone when I phoned you at about 11 p. m. yesterday?

  ---I ________and failed to hear the phone.

  A. might have slept

  B. must be sleeping

  C. might be sleeping

  D. must have been sleeping

  6. His parents meant him_________ scientific research, but he showed no interest and turned poet.

  A. going in for

  B. to have gone in for

  C. to go in for

  D. having gone in for

  7.---What would you wish to do if you were a college student again?

  ---That's very hard to say, but I wish I _______ when I was a college student.

  A. has not studied biology

  B. did study biology

  C. had studied biology

  D. studied biology

  8. He_______ when the bus came to a sudden stop.

  A. was almost hurt

  B. was to hurt himself

  C. was hurt himself

  D. was hurting himself

  9. _______ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain doesn't seem high at all.

  A. When compared

  B. To compare

  C. While comparing

  D. It compared

  10. If you want to see a doctor, fix the date with him ahead of time. This is a common ________ in the USA.

  A. habit

  B. law

  C. rule

  D. custom
