
2022年07月12日 14:51:16



  be full of....

  【语境】containing as much or as many things or people as possible, so there is no space left

  eg: The kitchen was full of smoke.厨房里全是烟。

  be fill with....

  eg: The air was filled with the sound of children’s laughter.空气中充满孩子们的笑声。

  be brimming (over) with something

  【语境】to have a lot of a particular thing, quality, or emotion 充满〔某种事物﹑品质或情感〕

  eg: The flowerbeds were brimming over with flowers.花坛里开满了鲜花。

  eg: He seemed to be brimming with confidence.他好像信心满满。

  be fraught with....

  【搭配】be fraught with problems/difficulties/danger

  【语境】full of problems etc 充满问题/困难/危险等

  eg: Their marriage has been fraught with difficulties.他们的婚姻困难重重。

  eg: The earliest operations employing this technique were fraught with dangers.最早使用这种技术的手术充满了危险。

  be congested with...

  【语境】A congested road or area is extremely crowded and blocked with traffic or people.

  eg: Some areas are congested with both cars and people.有些地方挤满了车和人。

  be inundated with...

  【语境】to receive so much of something that you cannot easily deal with it all〔收到太多某物而〕应接不暇

  eg: After the broadcast, we were inundated with requests for more information.节目播出之后﹐太多人来询问详情﹐令我们应接不暇

  be awash with...

  【语境】containing too many things or people of a particular kind

  eg: All the pavements were awash with rubbish.所有的人行道上全是垃圾。


  exceedingly adv.

  【语境】Exceedingly means very or very much.

  eg: We had an exceedingly good lunch.我们吃了一顿极为丰盛的午餐。

  eg: This was an exceedingly difficult decision to take.作这个决定非常地难。

  extremely adv.

  【语境】to a very great degree

  eg: My mobile phone is extremely useful. 我的手机非常有用。

  intensely adv.

  eg: He disliked Kate intensely. 他非常讨厌凯特。

  extraordinarily adv.


  eg: We were extraordinarily lucky.我们极其幸运。

  第3组:得到很多好处(替换get many benefits)

  reap huge fruits
