
2022年05月31日 17:10:35

       You must be very careful when a woman asks you how she looks because you will never come up with a right answer. The problem is that women generally do not think of their looks in the same way that men do. Most men form all opinion of how they look in seventh grade, and they stick to it for the rest of their lives. Most of them think of themselves as average-looking. But that does not bother them.

  Women do not look at themselves this way. No matter how attractive a woman may appear to be to others, they think about their appearance as “not good enough”. Why do women have such low self-esteem? There are many complex psychological and societal reasons, but one reason might be that women grow up thinking they need to look like Barbie doll. This is a difficult appearance standard to live up to, although there is a multibillion-dollar beauty industry devoted to convincing women that they must try.

  I'm not saying men are superior, but you are not going to get a group of middle-aged men who apply cosmetics(化妆品) to themselves in the hope of looking more like Brad Pitt. Men would realize that this task was pointless and meaningless. Of course many women will argue that men, being shallow, want them to look that way. As I see, hey, just because we're idiots, that doesn't mean you have to be.

  So if you are a man, and a woman asks you how she looks, you can't say she looks bad. But you also can't say she looks great, because she'll think you're lying. Also, she suspects that you're not qualified to judge anybody's appearance. This is because you have shaving cream in your hair.


  1.Which of the following statements is true?

  A.All women accept men's praises for their looks.

  B.It is impossible for women to become beautiful.

  C.Women are less confident about their appearance.

  D.Most men think they are handsome and never worry about their looks.



  【精析】C 根据文章第二段第二、三句“No matter how attractive a woman may appear to be to others, they think about their appearance as ‘not good enough’. Why do women have such low self-esteem?”可知,不管自己对别人有多大的吸引力,女士总是觉得自己的外貌“不够好”,她们自尊心很弱,所以选项C(女人们对自己的外貌不自信)是正确的。

  2. Why does the problem of appearance never make men worried?

  A.Because they believe they are handsome.

  B.Because women never care about men's appearance.

  C.Because they don't care about beauty.

  D.Because being average-looking is fine for men.



  【精析】D 根据文章第一段最后两句可知,大多数男人认为自己是中等容貌,但是他们并不以此为意。由此可推知,男士不担心他们容貌的原因是他们认为中等容貌就很好,不需要再去刻意追求。故选D。

  3. Which of the following might not be the reason for women to apply cosmetics to themselves?

  A.They are not satisfied with their looks.

  B.They are crazy to follow film stars.

  C.They believe that men want them to do so.

  D.They have low self-esteem in their appearance.



  【精析】B 根据文章第二段第二、三句和第三段倒数第二句可知,选项A、C、D是正确的。根据第三段第一句可知,女士使用化妆品是为了使自己看起来更像电影明星,但并没有说因为她们疯狂地追星所以才使用化妆品。故选B。

  4. What is men's proper reaction when a woman asks how she looks, according to this passage?

  A.To make a moderate comment on her looks.B.To keep silent or change a topic.C.To tell the woman that she is ugly.D.To tell the truth.



  【精析】A 根据文章最后一段前两句可知,当一位女士问你(假如你是一位男士)她长得怎么样时,你不能说她长得很丑,你也不能说她长得很漂亮,因为此时她会觉得你在撒谎。由此可推知,正确的做法是对她的容貌做适度的评价。故选A。

  5.What would men think of their own use of cosmetics?

  A.It is useless.

  B.It is necessary.

  C.It is good.

  D.It is unacceptable.



  【精析】A 根据文章第三段第一、二句“…men who apply cosmetics to themselves in the hope of looking more like Brad Pitt. Men would realize that this task was pointless and meaningless.”可知,男士认为他们使用化妆品是无用且没有任何意义的。故选A。