
2020年05月13日 15:02:59

  英语听说教学在英语教学中占有举足轻重的位置,说课也是近年来教招考试面试中出现频率较高的考查形式,能够测出考生的语言功底和表达能力。故设计好一堂听说课是考生在面试中取得成功的第一步。本文以译林版四年级上学期Unit 2 let’s make a fruit salad听说课为例进行说课设计,该说课以学生的现实生活为出发点和归宿点,旨在发挥学生的实际语言运用能力。


  Greeting: Good morning, dear judges. It’s my greathonor and pleasure to be here to interpret my teaching idea. My topic today is“Let’s make a fruit salad”. I have been ready to begin my presentation withfollowing parts:

  1 Analysis of teachingmaterials

  This lesson is from Unit 2 Let’s make a fruitsalad, the story time part. This lesson is about many fruits. It is veryinteresting and close to daily life. Through this lesson, students can know howto say the fruits in English and they are good for their health.

  2 Analysis of students

  Students are the subject of our class. The studentsof this period are active and curious, they have learned English for one year.They can know some basic words, phrases and some simple sentences patterns. Butthey are shy to say English in their daily life, as the teacher, I wouldarrange a variety of activities to help them take part in the class.

  3 Analysis of teaching aims

  Based on the English curriculum standard and thecharacteristics of the students, I set the following teaching aims:

  (1) Knowledge aim:

  Students can read and recognize the words such asbanana, grape, mango and understand the meaning of sentences “do you have...?”and the answer “Yes, I do.” “No, I don’t.”.

  (2) Ability aim:

  Through the activities and games, students ability ofspeaking and listening can be improved.

  (3) Emotional aims:

  Students can cooperate with others when they workin groups and finish the tasks.

  Students can know fruits are good for their health.

  4 Analysis of teaching keypoint and difficult point

  Key point:

  Students can master the pronunciation and themeaning of the new words and can master the usage of the sentence.

  Difficult Point:

  Students can have a basic understanding about theusage of “some” and “any”.

  5 Analysis of teaching methodsand learning methods

  To help students achieve the teaching aims muchbetter and easier, I’ll mainly use “Task-based” and “Communicative” teachingmethods. For students, they will use autonomous learning method, and they willlearn to communicate with people, and become the real host of the class.

  6 Analysis of teaching aids

  In order to catch students’ attention, I preparemulti-media and real fruits.

  7 Analysis of teachingprocedures

  This is the most important part in this design, itcan be divided into following steps:

  Step 1 Warming-up

  After greeting, I will play the tape and askstudents sing a song together named “PPAP. Just like this: I have a pen, I havean apple. Apple-pen. This song is very funny and can create an interestingatmosphere in class. It conclude the words such as apple, pineapple. Studentswill have a basic understanding of today’s topic. In this way the teacher willlead the topic of “fruit” very naturally.

  Step 2 Pre-listening

  Before listening, I will divide them into twogroups and do a simple survey among students about their favorite fruit. Anduse the real fruits and free talk to teach the new words and new sentences.

  By doing this, students can learn the new knowledgedirectly and easily. It can also attract students’ attention and lay afoundation for the next part-listening.

  Step 3 While-listening

  1. extensive listening

  For the while-listening. First, students shouldlisten to the tape for the first time, then answer the question:

  What are they talking about?

  During this activity, students can grasp the mainidea of this listening material. It’s an individual work, so the autonomouslearning method can be demonstrated too.

  2. intensive listening

  After that I will let students listen to the tapecarefully and finish the following tasks:

  (1) -Do you have _____, Yang Ling?

  -No, _____. I have _____.

  (2) -Wang Bing, _____ have a banana?

  -Yes, _____.

  Then check the answer together.

  These tasks can help students to remember the newwords and sentences much better. It can also improve students’ listeningability to grasp the detailed information.

  3. listen and read

  Now I will play the tape for the last time, and askstudents read after it. In this way, students can have more chance to speak.Their pronunciation and intonation will also be developed.

  Step 4 Post-listening

  Through all the listening tasks, students can getthe key points of this lesson, so I would like to arrange an interestingactivity for them to improve their cooperative awareness. I will prepare manydifferent fruits and they can use them to make fruit salad in their groups.Then they should show it and introduce it.

  This activity can let them know how to cooperatewith others when they work in groups and finish the tasks. Also, they canpractice the new knowledge and have more interest in English.

  Step 5 Summary and homework

  After all the activities I will show the key pointson the screen and invite one student to be a little teacher to summarize whatwe have learned today, the others can have a supplement.

  As for homework, students can make a fruit saladfor their parents.

  8 Blackboard design

  The main information is demonstrated on theblackboard and its logic is clear.
