
2019年12月18日 16:53:18







  Unit 1 Effective Communication

  Part I Pre-reading Questions

  Part II Extensive Reading

  Text A Voice of Courage

  Text B Tell Stories to Strengthen Organizational Bonds

  Part HI Reading Skills

  Part IV Supplementary Reading: How to Make the Multicultural Work Force Work

  Part V Test Yourself

  Unit 2 Soaring China

  Part I Pre-reading Questions

  Part II Extensive Reading

  Text A Clicks to Brick

  Text B Still Made in China

  Part III Reading Skills

  Part IV Supplementary Reading: Divergence Seen in Chinese Companies' Development

  Part V Test Yourself

  Unit 3 Gender Discrepancy

  Part I Pre-reading Questions

  Part II Extensive.Reading

  Text A Home Truths about Working Families

  Text B The Weaker Sex

  Part III Reading Skills

  Part IV Supplementary Reading: Humor Me

  Part V Test Yourself

  Unit 4 Staff Management

  Part I Pre-reading Questions

  Part II Extensive Reading

  Text A Handle Your Men in the Office

  Text B Seven Useful Lessons You Can Learn from a Bad Boss

  Part III Reading Skills

  Part IV Supplementary Reading: The New International Style of Management

  Part V Test Yourself

  Unit 5 Consumer Behavior

  Part I Pre-reading Questions

  Part II Extensive Reading

  Text A The Rich Can Learn from the Poor about How to Be Frugal

  Text B Here's How to Crack the Code on Your Customers' Behavior

  Part III Reading Skills

  Part IV Supplementary Reading: How Consumers Rewrote the Old Recessionary Rules

  Part V Test Yourself

  Unit 6 Marriage Issues

  Part I Pre-reading Questions

  Part II Extensive Reading

  Text A Three Views of Marriage

  Text B Married, with Money

  Part III Reading Skills

  Part IV Supplementary Reading: Yours, Mine & Mine

  Part V Test Yourself

  Unit 7 Corporate Social Responsibility

  Part I Pre-reading Questions

  Part II Extensive Reading

  Text A What Businesses Owe the World: Then and Now

  Text B Don't Put People Before Profits

  Part III Reading Skills

  Part IV Supplementary Reading: Social Saints, Fiscal Fiends

  Part V Test Yourself

  Unit 8 Career Success

  Part I Pre-reading Questions

  Part II Extensive Reading

  Text A Brain-twisting Job Interview Questions by Microsoft

  Text B It's Time for a Brand New You

  Part III Reading Skills

  Part IV Supplementary Reading: Why Can't You Find a Job?

  Part V Test Yourself

  Unit 9 Positive Attitudes

  Part I Pre-reading Questions

  Part II Extensive Reading

  Text A Be Happy 'Cause I Choose Happiness

  Text B If You Fire People,Don't Be a Jerk about It

  Part III Reading Skills

  Part IV Supplementary Reading:Positive Thinkers

  Part V Test Yourself

  Unit 10 Out-of-the-box Thinking

  Part I Pre-reading Questions

  Part II Extensive Reading

  Text A How Fast Can You Learn?

  Text B Student Teachers

  Part III Reading Skills

  Part IV Supplementary Reading: Got ideas?

  Part V Test Yourself

  Unit 11 Time Management

  Part I Pre-reading Questions

  Part II Extensive Reading

  Text A 20 Ways to Save 20 Minutes

  Text B How Much Time Should CEOs Devote to Customers?

  Part III Reading Skills

  Part IV Supplementary Reading: Time Management in the Age of Social Media

  Part V Test Yourself

  Unit 12 Green Business

  Part I Pre-reading Questions

  Part II Extensive Reading

  Text A Succeeding as a "Green" Business

  Text B The Wellness Boom

  Part III Reading Skills

  Part IV Supplementary Reading:Recycle,Reuse,Reprofit:

  Startups Try to Make Money Selling Your Stuff

  Part V Test Yourself

  Unit 13 Honesty Issues

  Part I Pre-reading Questions

  Part II Extensive Reading

  Text A In Search of Honesty

  Text B 5 Ways to Spot a Liar

  Part III Reading Skills

  Part IV Supplementary Reading:Slasher Attack

  Part V Test Yourself

  Unit 14 Ways of Investment

  Part I Pre-reading Questions

  Part II Extensive Reading

  Text A Ways to Keep More Cash

  Text B When Stocks Tank,Some Investors Stampede

  to Alpacas

  Part III Reading Skills

  Part IV Supplementary Reading:Get the Right Coverage

  Part V Test Yourself

  Unit 15 Retirement Planning

  Part I Pre-reading Questions

  Part II Extensive Reading

  Text A How Long Will You Live?

  Text B Plan Ahead to Beat Retirement Blues

  Part III Reading Skills

  Part IV Supplementary Reading:Over 60 and Overlooked

  Part V Test Yourself

  Unit 16 Era of Big Data

  Part I Pre-reading Questions

  Part II Extensive Reading

  Text A The Second Age of Reason

  Text B Mass Individualism Makes Life Tough for

  Consumer Product Giants

  Part III Reading Skills

  Part IV Supplementary Reading:Computer Chips and Dip

  Part V Test Yourself







