
2019年04月24日 15:08:15



  小学英语真题1 boy,toy,noise,voice


小学英语真题1 boy,toy,noise,voice

  小学英语真题2 kitty's morning


小学英语真题2 kitty's morning

  小学英语真题3 My birthday


小学英语真题3 My birthday

  小学英语真题4 My Friend


小学英语真题4 My Friend

  小学英语真题5 Numbers


小学英语真题5 Numbers


  小学英语真题解析1 boy,toy,noise,voice



  Teaching Aims:

  Knowledge aim: Students know how to pronounce oy and oi then to use it.

  Ability aim: Students can pronounce /ɔɪ/ correctly and use it in other words.

  Emotional aim: Students will enhance their confidence of pronouncing by realizing the practical use.

  Teaching Key Points:

  Students can have correct pronunciation of certain words of the same rule.

  Teaching Difficult Points:

  Students could be confident in pronouncing words.

  Teaching Methods:

  Communicative teaching method, inductive teaching method.

  Teaching Aids:

  PPT, Blackboard flashcards and so on

  Teaching Procedures:

  Step 1: Warming up


  2.Play an English song Billy boy, invite the whole students to clap when singing it. Introduce word boy to students.

  Step 2: Presentation

  1. Draw pictures of boy and toy,then show the words after them.

  2. Play a radio of voice and noise, let students know what the difference is between voice and noise, then show the English words.

  3. Read the words together, and then let students find the common pronunciation part oy and oi.

  Step 3: Practice

  1. Play a game: play on the seesaw(high-low voice) then read lips guess the word.

  2. Bingo: Divide four students in a group play the bingo game. Give each group a piece of paper with 9 words on it. The first group who can find the three words in a line with oy/oi should be the winner.

  Step 4: Production

  Read more words: Divide students into different groups then let them have a competition to read words on the flashcards, the fastest group will win the first prize. (Possible words: toy boy voice noise choice coin coy joy ploy), invite the fastest group play it in front of the class.

  Step 5: Summary & Homework

  Summary : students look at the blackboard and summarize this class.

  Homework:students introduce the words and pronunciation to their friends or parents.

  Blackboard design:



  小学英语真题2解析 kitty's morning



  Teaching Aims:

  Knowledge aim: Students will master the changes of third person singular verbs.

  Ability aim: Students can use sentence to describe what other people do in their daily life.

  Emotional aim: Students will improve their interest in English and realize they should cherish the time.

  Teaching Key Points:

  Students know how to describe daily activities at exact time.

  Teaching Difficult Points:

  Students can apply the structure into daily communication.

  Teaching Methods:

  Inductive teaching method, TPR teaching method, Communicative teaching method, task-based teaching method.

  Teaching Aids:

  Pictures, Blackboard and so on.

  Teaching Procedures:

  Step 1: Warming up


  2.Sing a chant, invite the whole students to do the action when singing together.

  In the morning GO GO GO

  Brush your teeth! Brush your teeth! In the morning SHUA SHUA SHUA

  Go to school! Go to school! In the morning GO GO GO

  Step 2: Presentation

  1.Show Students four pictures to review the words get up, brush teeth, have lunch, go to school

  2.Say sentences to the Students and let them find out what the changes are.

  e.g. I get up at 6:00 in the morning. Kitty gets up at 6:00 in the morning.

  e.g. I brush teeth at 6:30 in the morning. Kitty brushes teeth at 6:30 in the morning.


  3.Make a conclusion. When we say he/she/other’s name, we change the words ‘get-gets’, ‘brush-brushes’, ‘have-has’, ‘go-goes’.

  Step 3: Practice

  Invite one student coming in front, do the action and let other students say the sentence: He/She goes to school.

  Step 4: Production

  Make a survey: Let students work in their group of four. They’ll be given 15 minutes to ask some questions with each other and fill in the survey table about what they do at what time. After that, invite some students to share their survey result by saying ‘XX gets up at 6:30’, etc.

  Step 5: Summary & Homework

  Summary: Invite a student to be a small teacher, to make a summary about what we have learned today.

  Homework: Let students to think and design ‘A Day of Peppa Pig’. They may draw some pictures. Tomorrow two of them will be invited to share their works and say some sentences to introduce a day of Peppa Pig.

  Blackboard design:



  小学英语真题3 My birthday



  Teaching aims:

  Knowledge aim: Students will master the sentence pattern and new words such as: My birthday is in…, January, February and so on.

  Ability aim: Students will improve their speaking ability through group work

  Emotional aim: Students will take part in the class actively and be fond of learning English.

  Key and difficult point:

  master the meaning of the sentence pattern and new words.

  speak freely in class and improve their speaking skill.

  Teaching procedure:

  Step 1: Warming-up

  Greeting the Ss + today is Kelly’s birthday, sing the birthday song;

  Step 2: Presentation

  Use calendar to teach the words about month. Teach the sentence pattern “my birthday is in…” by asking, “When is your birthday?”

  Step 3: Practice

  Mechanical drilling: Play Bomb game to practice the pronunciation.

  Meaningful drilling: categorize 12 month into 4 groups according to the season. Picture to present seasons might be used.

  Step4: Production

  Making a conversation asking“when is your birthday?”



  小学英语真题解析4 My Friend



  Teaching Aims:

  Knowledge aim: Students will learn three new words and two sentence patterns.

  Ability aim: Students will be able to talk about their friends in English by using some curtain sentence patterns.

  Emotional aim: Students will improve their interest in English and realize they should cherish their friendship and love each other.

  Teaching Key Points:

  Students know how to describe how to describe his or her friends.

  Teaching Difficult Points:

  Students can apply the structure into daily communication.

  Teaching Methods:

  TPR teaching method, Communicative teaching method, situational teaching method.

  Teaching Aids:

  Pictures, Puppet, Blackboard and so on.

  Teaching Procedures:

  Step 1: Warming up


  2.Sing a song----”Ten Little Indians”, invite the whole students to do the action when singing

  Step 2: Pre-speaking

  1. The teacher show the students a puppet while hiding behind the desk, to review the words tall, thin, green and brown and the sentence patterns This is ... and He is ...by asking some simple questions.

  2. The teacher make a performance with the puppet

  e.g. --What do you have now? --I have a green T-shirt and a pair of brown shorts.

  --What can you do? --I can skate.

  3. Introduce Tom (the puppet) to the students.

  e.g.This is Tom. He is my friend. He is tall and thin.He has a green T-shirt and a pair of brown shorts. He can skate.

  Step 3: While-speaking

  Activity 1. Group work

  Work in groups, and make a conversation by asking and answering questions.

  Activity 2. Guessing game: Close your eyes and guess.

  One student show himself/herself and do some actions, another student close his or her eyes and ask questions, the others tell him or her “right or wrong”. Guess who he or she is.

  e.g. --What’s he like?

  --He is short and strong. He has a yellow jacket and a pair of brown shoes.

  --Is he Max?

  --No, he isn’t

  --What can he do?

  --He can swim.

  --Is he Ted?

  --Yes, he is.

  Step 4: Post-speaking

  1.Share and Evaluation

  2.Draw a picture: ask the students to draw a picture of his/her best friend and introduce him or her to the whole class and guess who he/she/it is.

  E.g. He is my friend. He is short and thin.He has a yellow T-shirt and a pair of black shoes. He can play basketball.

  Step 5: Summary & Homework

  Summary: Invite a student to be a small teacher, to make a summary about what we have learned today.

  Homework: Make a puppet as they like, bring him/her to the class, and introduce him/her to the other students next class.



  小学英语真题解析5 Numbers



  Teaching Aims:

  Knowledge aim: Students will master the words from one to ten.

  Ability aim: Students can use these words to count things in daily life.

  Emotional aim: Students will improve their interest in English by realizing the practical use.

  Teaching Key Points:

  Students know the words from one to ten.

  Teaching Difficult Points:

  Students can apply the words into daily life.

  Teaching Methods:

  Communicative teaching method, task-based teaching method.

  Teaching Aids:

  Cards, Blackboard and so on.

  Teaching Procedures:

  Step 1: Warming up


  2.Sing a song Ten Little Apples, invite the whole students to clap when singing together.

  Step 2: Pre-

  1.Teacher draw one apple on the blackboard and say ‘one’; two apples ‘two’...... At the same time showing the number with fingers.

  2.Have Ss read the numbers after T.

  Step 3: While-

  1. Invite one student come to the front, teacher says a number, have student circle the apples. (e.g. T says 5, S should circle 5 apples)

  2. Let some students pick the card written numbers from 1-10, and say the number on the card.

  Step 4: Production

  students are given 10 minutes to draw some fruits on a paper, after that they’ll be invited to share their painting and say what they have drew. (e.g. 3 apples, 5 bananas)

  Step 5: Summary & Homework

  Summary: Invite a S to be a small T to make a summary of what we have learned today.

  Homework: Learn the song Ten Little Apples


