
2019年01月09日 10:43:31


  1、 It was nearly an hour ____the sleeping pill ______effect.

  A. when; took B. before; took C. since; had D. before ; had

  2、 Our TV sets sell well, but ten years ago no one could have imagined such a big share in the market that they ____.

  A. were having B. had had C. were to have D. had

  3、Bird flu , a contagious disease of animals , is believed _____ by viruses that normally infect only birds and less commonly pigs , and rarely humans .

  A.caused B.being caused C.to be caused D.to have caused

  4、He has got himself into a dangerous situation ______ he is likely to lose control over the plan.

  A. where B. which C. where D. why

  5、 ______, the concert began.

  A. The listeners having taken their seats B. Having taken their seats

  C. Having taken their places D. Taking their seats

  6、—You shouldn’t have gone there alone last night.

  — But I ______, because Xiao Wang went there, too.

  A. didn’t B. had to C. did D. should

  7、---- There is a lot of smoke coming out of the teaching-building there.

  ---- Really? It _____ be a fire, most probably.

  A. can B. ought to C. have to D. must

  8、________ doesn’t seem to have been much difficulty in solving the problem.

  A. It B. That C. There D. He

  9、 Are the parents who let their child who is ______ walk in the dark alone at night considerate?

  A. young enough B. too young to C. not old enough to D. so young

  10、 How many of us ______ a meeting that is not important to us would be interested in the discussion?

  A. attended B. attending C. to attend D. have attended

  11、 I can _____ some noise while I’m studying, but I can’t stand very loud noise.

  A. put up with B. get rid of C. have effects on D. keep away from

  12、 Before leaving home, make sure to turn off the electricity, lock the door, ______ the windows open.

  A. and not to leave B. instead of leaving C. rather than leave D. and not leave

  13、Space exploration has been made ______ with the development of modern science and technology.

  A. it possible B. it was possible C. that possible D. possible

  14、 You will see this product  _____wherever you go.

  A.to be advertised B.advertised C.advertise D.advertising

  15、 The time is not far away _____modern communications will become widespread in China’s vast countryside.

  A.as B.until C.before D.when


  1. B. It is+一段时间+before…表示“过了….才…”take effect 表示(药等)见效;(法规等)生效

  2. C十年前没有想到将来会占有这么大的市场份额 were to have

  3. C. 是由病毒造成的…

  4. C. Where he is likely to lose control…关系副词where 引导定语从句修饰situation境地。

  5. A. 独立主格做状语。主语concert 不可能执行take the seat 这一动作,必须加the listeners 做逻辑主语

  6. A. 表示过去的事实。

  7. B. ought to =should 表示可能性或相似性。例如;She ought to finish by next week.

  下星期她该完成了。The doctor said it will take six weeks and I should be fine by then.

  8. C. 这是There be句型一种比较复杂的表现形式,由下列各句逐步形成:

  There is much difficulty in solving the problem.

  There seems to be much difficulty in solving the problem.

  There seems to have been much difficulty in solving the problem.

  There doesn’t seem to have been much difficulty in solving the problem.

  E.g. There used to be a big tree in front of the old house.

  There happened to be a foreign teacher there.

  There is said to be no life on the moon.

  There must have been something wrong with the machine.

  9. D。本句中有两个定语从句1)who let their child…walk alone in the dark. 修饰the parents; 2)who is so young修饰the child. 答案B 和C意思不对。Considerate 是主句的表语。

  10. A。解析:attending a meeting that is not important to us做定语。

  11. B。解析:从后面的stand可以推断,这里用put up with 表示忍受。

  12. A。 解析:lock和 turn都是不定式肯定形式lock 前省略了to ,但not to leave 是否定形式,to不可省。

  13. D。解析:该句测试是make sb./ sth.+adj. 结构,

  如果用A项,后应用to do sth.,因为it是形式宾语,代替不定式。With the development of modern science and technology, man has made space exploration possible.

  14. B。解析see+宾语+宾补(do/ doing/ done)They discussed the plan they will see carried out the next year. →They discussed the plan. They will see it carried out the next year.

  15. D。解析 句子可改为:The time when modern communications will become widespread in China’s vast countryside. when引导定语从句。
