
2018年12月29日 11:26:05


  1. This company has two branches: one in Paris and() in New York.

  A. another

  B. one other

  C. the other

  D. other

  2. He didn’t come to the party last night. He ()to see us.

  A. might not have wanted

  B. could not have wanted

  C. should not have wanted

  D. ought not to have wanted

  3. —It’s getting dark. My son hasn’t returned home.

  — (). He has been a grown-up.

  A. Take it easy.

  B. No problem.

  C. Take your time.

  D. So what?

  4. ()to be a bad flood that year.

  A. There was

  B. There happened

  C. There were

  D. There happens

  5. (), Mr. Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class.

  A. Although he is a socialist

  B. Even if he is a socialist

  C. Being a socialist

  D. Since he is a socialist

  6. The news has spread all over the country ()the spaceship succeeded in returning to the earth.

  A. what

  B. that

  C. if

  D. otherwise

  7. The weather report() rain last night, but it turned out fine.

  A. predicted

  B. assessed

  C. evaluated

  D. judged

  8. You() have said that. Now Grandma’s really angry.

  A. shouldn’t

  B. couldn’t

  C. wouldn’t

  D. needn’t

  9. Come on,be realistic;life is not ()it was in your time.

  A. what

  B. which

  C. when

  D. that

  10. You’re() understand the real meaning of love.

  A. too young to

  B. so young as to

  C. young enough to

  D. as young as to


  1. 【翻译】这家公司有两个分公司,一个在巴黎,另一个在纽约。


  【精析】C句子一开始就提示了数的概念:两个子公司。题干出现的不定代词one表示“其中一个”,而两者中的“另一个”要用不定代词the other来表达。another 表示不定数目中的“另一个”;one other指不限范围的“另一个”;other作代词时,一般不单独使用。故选C。

  2. 【翻译】他昨天晚上没来参加聚会。他可能不想见我们。


  【精析】A could not have done:不可能做某事;should not have done/ought not to have done:本不应该做某事。B项过于绝对;C、D两项不符合题意。故应选A项(可能不想……),表示对过去情况的可能性推测。

  3. 【翻译】“天快黑了。我的儿子还没有回家。”“不用担心,他已经是大人了。”


  【精析】A根据下文的回答“He has been a grown-up.”可知,此处说话者是在安慰对方。take it easy用来安慰对方,意为“不要担心,别紧张”;no problem:没问题;take your time:不要着急,慢慢来;so what表示某人认为某事无关紧要。根据句意可知,选A。

  4. 【翻译】那一年碰巧发生了一场严重的洪灾。

  [考点]There be句型

  【精析】B There be句型中的谓语动词也可以是happen to,构成“There happen to be”结构,意为“碰巧发生……”。又因句中有that year,所以此处应用一般过去时,所以本题应选B。

  5. 【翻译】虽然威尔斯先生是一个社会主义者,但他几乎不同情工人阶级。


  【精析】A根据句意可知,前后两句为转折关系。even if意为“即使”,表让步;since意为“因为,由于”,表原因;C项与句意不符;although意为“尽管,虽然”,引导让步状语从句,符合题意。故选A。

  6. 【翻译】宇宙飞船成功返回地球的消息传遍了全国。



  7. 【翻译】天气预报说昨天晚上有雨,结果天气很好。


  【精析】A predict:预言,预测;assess:判断,评估;evaluate:评估,评价;judge:审判,评判。根据句意可知,选A。

  8. 【翻译】你不应该说那些话的,现在奶奶真的生气了。


  【精析】A shouldn’t:不应该,shouldn’t have done表示与过去事实相反的假设,意为“本不应该做某事(却做了)”;couldn’t:不能;wouldn’t:不会;needn’t:不需要,不必。根据句意可知,选A。

  9. 【翻译】算了吧,现实点吧;生活已不是你那个年代的样子了。



  10. 【翻译】你太年轻了,还不了解爱的真谛。


  【精析】A too…to…结构为固定用法,意为“太……而不能……”。

