
2018年02月23日 14:00:33



  keep away from 避开,别靠近 keep back 隐瞒,忍住,阻止……向前,留下

  keep down 控制   keep off 勿踏,勿踩

  keep off sb / sth 不接触或不接近某人/某事物

  keep on 继续进行 keep out 不得入内

  keep…out 把……挡住,把……留在外面  keep out of … 不进入……

  keep up 继续,保持,坚持,使(情绪等)不低落

  keep up with… = catch up with… 跟上,赶上

  keep a date 赴约    keep a healthy diet 保持健康的饮食

  keep a record / records 保持记录

  keep an eye on 注视,留心,注意,照顾

  (比较:keep an eye out for 注视,留心,注意)

  keep busy doing 忙着做某事   keep fit 保持健康

  keep…in mind = learn…by heart = remember… 把……记住

  keep (on) doing sth 继续不停地做某事

  [比较:keep sb doing sth 使某人一直/继续做某事

  keep … from doing 阻止……做,不让……做

  stop / prevent… (from) doing 妨碍/预防/阻止……做,不让……做]

  keep one’s appointment 守约(比较:break one’s appointment 违约)

  keep one’s balance 保持平衡    keep one’s word(s) 遵守诺言

  keep safe 保持安全   keep silent over … 对……保持沉默

  keep the same look 保持原貌     keep watch 保持警戒,站岗



  I would have been here sooner, but the rainstorm kept me back.

  Every week there was a rebellion(造反)somewhere, and the Austrian soldiers were kept busy hurrying from one town to another in order to put down the rebellions.

  While Leonov was outside the ship, he kept in touch by telephone with his companion and with the earth.

  He kept on telling us the same story over and over.

  You may depend on his doing what he says, for he is a person who always keeps his words.

  Danger! Keep out!

  Will this overcoat keep the rain out?

  It is also bad manners to keep silent when the teacher asks you a question.

  The rain kept up all night.

  I see you are getting along well with your English studies. Keep up the good work.

  The good news keeps our spirits up.

  He walked so fast that I could hardly keep up with him.

  Every few hundred meters along the wall there are watch-towers, where soldiers used to keep watch.

  There is a sign there saying, “Keep off the grass.”
