
2017年06月02日 15:57:56


  Part I Vocabulary and structure(1×40)

  Directions:There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentences,and then write the choice on the Answer Sheet.

  1.They won't go back to work unless their demands are.

  A.met B.permitted C.given D.replied

  2.I've got to up now.Someone is waiting to use the phone.

  A.give B.put C.look D.hang

  3.--Why are your group so happy?

  --Our group theirs in the oral English competition.

  A.has won B.have gained C.has beaten D.have defeated

  4.The clock nine and we realized that it was already late.

  A.knocked B.struck C.beat D.hit

  5.Having made up his mind,he to carry out his plan.

  A.set about B.set off C.set up D.set out

  6.We should have our party in the hall in the garden.

  A.instead B.in the place of C.rather than D.but not

  7.I shouldn't have left Jimmy in the room.

  A.single B.himself C.lonely D.alone

  8.all her efforts,she failed to reach her aim.

  A.Together with B.In spite of C.Instead of D.Because of

  9.The highway is about.

  A.three thousand long miles B.long three thousand miles

  C.three-thousand-mile-long D.three thousand miles long

  10.Anyone who has the magazine please give it back immediately.

  A.taken B.received C.accepted D.brought

  11.Don't get ________ to the dog.It is dangerous.

  A.closely B.nearly C.nearby D.close

  12.Every means _____ prevent the water from ______.

  A.are used to,being polluted B.was used to,polluting

  C.is used to,polluted D.is used to,being polluted

  13.He started early ______ he could get there before nine.

  A.in order that B.because C.so as to D.in order to

  14.It was ______ that he couldn't finish it alone.

  A.so difficult a work B.a so difficult job C.such a difficult work D.so difficult a job

  15.Everybody has to spend ______ in bed.

  A.some times B.some time C.sometime D.sometimes

  16.Shortly after the accident,two ______police were sent to the spot to keep order.

  A.dozen B.dozens C.dozen of D.dozens of

  17.Your advice that she ______ more exercise is reasonable.

  A.takes B.take C.does D.carries out

  18.The next afternoon he went to _______ Mr.Smith again.

  A.call forth B.call off C.call by D.call on

  19.I wasn't _______ the decision until too late.

  A.informed B.formed C.informed of D.informed for

  20.Only the people concerned have access _______ the foreign teacher?s class.

  A.into B.with C.to D.About

  21.______ his homework in time,he had to stay up late into the night.

  A.Finishing B.Having finished C.To finish D.To have finished

  22._____ the fog,we should have reached our school.

  A.Because of B.In spite of C.In case of D.But for

  23.I didn't hear____ because there was too much noise where I was sitting.

  A.what did he say B.what he said

  C.what was he saying D.what for him to say

  24.It is necessary that meeting at once.

  A.began B.begin C.begins D.will begin

  25.Mr.Zhang,came to see me yesterday,is an old friend of my father's.

  A.which B.that C.who D.Whom

  26.The notice came around two in the afternoon _____ the meeting would be postponed.

  A.when B.that C.whether D.how

  27._____ difficult the task may be,we will try our best to complete it in time.

  A.No matter B.No wonder C.Though D.However

  28.It was not until she arrived in class_______realized she had forgotten her book.

  A.and she B.when she C.she D.that she

  29.—You seem to remember all the English words by heart.


  A.So Jack do B.So does Jack C.So Jack does D.So do Jack

  30._______,he couldn't earn enough to support the family.

  A.Hard as he worked B.As he worked hard

  C.As hard he worked D.Hard as did he work

  31.,we missed our plane.

  A.The train being late B.To be late

  C.The train is being late D.The train which is late

  32.She doesn't think that Tom sings best in the class,_______________?

  A.does she B.doesn't she C.does he D.doesn't he

  33.We're looking forward ____ the photo exhibition.

  A.to visiting B.to visit C.to having visited D.visiting

  34.It’s time the dog how to behave properly.

  A.is learning B.learns C.learned D.to learn

  35.It was in the factory_____ you worked five years ago you learned the technique.

  A.that;where B.where;when C.where;where D.where;that

  36.Most of the people ____ to the party were famous scientists.

  A.invited B.to invite C.being invited D.inviting

  37.Not until all the fish died in the river how serious the pollution was.

  A.did the villagers realize B.the villagers realized

  C.the villagers did realize D.didn't the villagers realize

  38.If only I a phone!I am fed up with lining up outside the public phone box.

  A.had B.have C.will have D.are to have

  39.His English was so poor,so he couldn't make himself.

  A.to understand B.understood C.understand D.be understood

  40.of students girls.

  A.Two thirds;are B.Two third;are C.Two-third;is D.Second thirds;is
