
2017年03月21日 10:45:25


  It was the afternoon of December 24but I had to work.The only thing that brightened my 1 ——was the beautifully decorated Christmas tree and a gift—a dozen long-stemmed red 2.——As I was cleaning my officea lady urgently(急切地) needed to talk to me.I noticed a young3—— woman with a baby in her arms 4——she explained that her husband, a prisonerwas my next patient. She told me she wasn't 5—— to visit her husband in prison and that he had 6—— seen his son. She wished to 7—— the boy's father sit in the waiting room with her as long as possible 8___ I called him for his appointment. Since my timetable wasn't fullI agreed. 9___ , it was Christmas Eve.A short time later, her husband arrived.The woman's tired face 10___ like our little Christmas tree when her husband took a seat beside her. I kept peeling(偷看) out to watch them laughcryand share their 11___ .

  After almost an hourI 12___ the prisoner back to the office.While I workedthe guards stood just outside my door.The patient seemed like a gentle and humble (恭顺的) man.I tried to make him as 13 ___as possible.

  At the end of the appointment,I 14___ him a Merry Christmas-a difficult thing to say to a man heading back to prison.He smiled and thanked me.He also said he felt 15___ by the fact that he hadn't been able to get his wife anything for Christmas. 16 ___hearing thisI was inspired with a wonderful 17___ .

  I'll never forget the 18 ___on both their faces as the prisoner gave his wife the beautiful roses.I'm not 19___ who experienced the most joy-the husband in giving, the wife in receivingor myself in having the opportunity to share in this special 20___.

  1. A.work B.life C.day D.face

  2. A.roses B.hats C.postcards D.bells

  3. A.good-looking B.tired-looking C.serious-looking D.funny-looking

  4. A.Surprisingly B.Angrily C.Nervously D.Happily

  5. A.reminded B.asked C.demanded D.allowed

  6. A.never B.ever C.already D.even

  7. A.agree B.let C.suggest D.refuse

  8. A.because B.after C.before D.when

  9. A.After all B.In all C.Above all D.At all

  10.A.lit up B.cheered up C.turned up D.made up

  11.A.chance B.christmas C.child D.room

  12.A.handed B.turned C.gave D.called

  13.A.easy-going B.kind C.comfortable D.happy

  14.A.hoped B.wished C.congratulated D.celebrated

  15.A.sad B.shocked C.cheerful D.confused

  16.A.At B.By C.On D.Through

  17.A.experience B.idea C.way D.trick

  18.A.change B.response C.spirit D.look

  19.A.conscious B.hopeful C.afraid D.sure

  20.A.holiday B.moment C.present D.story






  1.C2. A3. B4. C5. D6. A7. B8. C9. A10.A



  1. C 圣诞节的前一天,还要上班。唯一让我这一天(day)高兴的是装饰的非常漂亮的圣诞树。故选:C.

  2. A 根据最后一段“the beautiful roses"可知本空填”roses”,故选:A.

  3. B 根据第三段“The woman's tired face...”可知本空填“tired-looking”,故选:B.

  4. C 她紧张地(nervously)向我解释她的丈夫,一个囚犯,是我的下一个病人,故选:C.

  5. D 她告诉我她不被允许(allowed)去监狱探望她的丈夫,故选D.

  6. A 根据上文她没探望过坐牢的丈夫可知,丈夫从没见过儿子,故选:A.

  7. B 根据句子结构和句意她希望让她和尽可能长时间地坐在候诊室let sb. do sth.是固定结构,故选B.

  8. C 根据上文男孩的父亲现在在候诊室,可知是在叫他之前,故选C.

  9. A after all,毕竟;in all,总共;above all首要;at all竟然;诊所不忙,毕竟是圣诞前夜,故选:A.

  10.A 根据上下文可知当女人的丈夫坐在她身边时,她的脸像圣诞树一样亮起来,light up照亮,点亮,故选A.

  11.C 根据上文可知丈夫第一次见到自己的儿子,故选:C.

  12.D 根据上文男人在候诊室,可知现在把他叫到办公室,故选:D.

  13.C “给病人看病,所以使病人舒服,故选:C.

  14.B wish sb. a Merry Christmas是固定表达,意思是祝愿某人圣诞快乐,故选:B.

  15.A 根据下文过圣诞节他不能为妻子弄得礼物,因此感到难过,故选:A.

  16.C 介词on可表示时间,意思是············,后面常跟v-ing或名词,故选:C.

  17.B 听到这些话,我有了一个想法,故选:B.

  18.D 根据下文当犯人给妻子玫瑰时可推知应是两人脸上的表情,look表情,神情,故选D.

  19.D 谁体验到最多的快乐,我我从知晓,故选:D.

20.B 根据上文可知是丈夫给妻子玫瑰花的时刻,故选:B.