
2017年01月06日 08:07:32

 11.I remember ______ her at a party last weekend.

  A. to meet B. meeting C. having met D. to have met

  12.I remember ______ to help us when we got into trouble.

  A. him to offer B. him offering C. he to offer D. his offer

  13.Remember to go to the post office and don’t forget taking the parcel with you.

  14.You must remember bringing back the umbrella tomorrow.

  15. The house needs ______, but they plan to wait until next spring to do it.

  A. paint B. to paint C. painting D. be painted

  16. Please stop ______. Let’s listen to the radio.

  A. arguing B. to argue C. be arguing D. argue

  17. I always regret not ______ harder when I was young.

  A. studying B. having studied C. to study D. to have studied

  18. As ______(计算机价格的不断下降),more and more families can afford it.

  [the price of the computer keeps falling / going down]

  答案:11.B 12. B 13.C: to take 14.B: to bring 15.D 16.A 17.A


