
2022年05月17日 14:16:13



  1. by accident 无意地,偶然地,不小心地

  He set off the alarm by accident. 他不小心弄响了警报器。

  He didn’t tell me, by the way; I found out by accident. 顺便提一下,他没告诉过我;是我自己凑巧发现的。

  2. by chance 无意地,偶然地

  Our meeting at the station was quite by chance. 我们在车站会面纯属偶然。

  We met by chance in Egypt, and a year later, oddly enough, in New York. 我们偶然在埃及相遇,说也奇怪,一年后在纽约又见面了。

  3. by design 有意地,故意地

  I’m sure he ignored you by accident and not by design. 我敢肯定他没理你是无意的,而不是有意的。

  4. on purpose 有意地,故意地

  She stepped on my foot on purpose, not by accident. 她踩了我的脚,是故意的,不是不小心。

  It is impossible that he forget our meeting; he must have stayed away on purpose. 他不可能忘记我们的会议,他准是故意不来。


  有时要对“有意”和“无意”作选择,英语通常用by accident or by design,也可省略第二个介词by说成by accident or design。如:

  We don’t know if it was done by accident or (by) design. 我们不知道那是偶然的还是故意的。

  We shall never know whether this happened by accident or (by) design. 我们永远也无法知道这件事是个意外还是事先安排的。

  有时在by accident or (by) design 前加上whether(是否;无论)。如:

  It happened, whether by accident or design, that Steve and I were the last two people to leave. 不知是偶然还是事先安排,史蒂夫和我是最后离开的两个人。

  Mary was wearing the same T-shirt as me―whether by accident or design, I never knew. 玛丽穿一件和我一样的T 恤衫――我不知道是无意还是有意的。


  Whether by design or accident his timing was perfect. 不管是计划好的还是巧合,他对时机的把握堪称完美。


  有时人们明明是故意想做某事,但又假装是无意的,即所谓的“有意装无意”或“故作意外”,要表示类似意思,英语用accidentally on purpose。如:

  ——We’d just finished our meal when John realized he’d accidentally left his chequebook at home. 我们刚吃完饭,这时约翰发现他无意中把支票本落在家里了。

  ——Accidentally on purpose, you mean! 你是说他是有意装无意吧!