
2022年03月21日 14:39:12


  voluntary adj.自愿的,志愿的 volunteer n.志愿者

  belong to 属于(无进行,无被动)


  happen = occur = take place 发生

  break out/down 爆发/出故障 appear/disappear 出现/消失

  consist of 由…组成 come true 实现

  bring about 导致,引起 = lead to = result in = cause

  bring down 降低,减少

  bring forth 提出,发表

  bring up 提出,养育

  bring out 激起,出版

  call on 号召

  call on sb.拜访某人(on)= pay a visit to sb

  call at sp.参观某地(at)= pay a visit to sp

  call for=need 需要

  call off 取消 = cancel

  call up 给…打电话

  carry on 继续 = go on

  go on to do sth 继续去做另一件事

  go on doing sth 继续做这件事(同一件事)

  carry out 执行实施

  carry away 拿走,运走

  carry off 夺走,获取

  .in case of+词/短语

  in case(that)+句子 以免,以防,万一

  in no case 决不 = by no means = on no account

  decide v.决定

  decide to do 决定做……

  decision n.决定

  make a decision to do=make up one's mind 决定去做某事,下定决心做某事

  in any case 无论如何

  it is the case 情况的确如此

  such being the case 既然如此,既然这样

  it is not/always/also the case 情况并非/总是/也是如此

  catch up with 抓住,赶上

  keep up with 赶上,和…保持一致

  catch on 理解,明白

  catch sight of 看见

  vision 视力,美景

  check in 登记(入住)

  check out 结账离开

  compare A with B 把 A 和 B 做比较(with)

  compare A to B 把 A 比作 B(to)

  loan n.贷款,v.借给

  debt n.债务,负债 found n.基/资金

  payment 支付 credit card 信用卡