
2022年03月18日 17:23:49


  in contrast to与....形成对比

  in preparation for为.....作准备

  fall onto/into掉到/进

  keep pace with ....保持同步

  make/sign a contract with 与....签订合同

  make a mess of 弄乱,弄糟

  make joint efforts (to do sth. )共同努力(去做某事)

  more and more 越来越多

  more than one 不止 .....

  no more than 仅仅,不超过

  over and over ( again)反复地,一再

  read between the lines 领悟言外之意

  take care 保重(告别用语);当心

  take care of 照顾,照管

  take/have a nap 打个盹,小睡一会 儿

  the minute/ moment ( that) 一 .....就.....

  have ificulty (in) doing做....困难

  graduate from .....毕业

  in a way 从某方面来说( =in a sense)

  in this/that way 用这种/那种方式

  on the way 在路上

  under way 在进行中

  lose one's way迷路

  as a result of 由于.....

  on condition that 条件是......

  on purpose 故意地

  provide sb. with sth. = supply sth. to sb.

  = provide sth. for sb. = offer sb. sth.

  =offersth. to sb.为某人提供某物

  behave oneself 表现得体

  figure/work out 理解,弄清楚

  in the way 挡路
