
2022年02月16日 10:50:10



  假设你是晨光中学的学生李津,你正参加与法国巴黎友好校以“畅想奥运盛事”为主题的线上英语交流活动。友好校的学生Chris得知新近发布的2022年北京冬奥会的主题口号(official motto)是“一起向未来(Together for a Shared Future)”,认为这个口号非常棒。他请你进一步谈谈看法,请你根据以下提示进行发言:





  Hi, Chris; Hi, everybody,

  I want to express my most sincere appreciation to you. As far as I am concerned, you are definitely right. I can't agree more. The official motto of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is consistent with the core values and vision of the Olympic. We hope to convey to the world several layers of meaning, the first of which is the need to work together in the future. Current COVID - 19 brings all mankind the global challenge, so only by helping each other can we build a beautiful future together. Second, China is inviting the world to join hands.

  In the end, I present my best wishes for the preparations for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and 2024 Paris Olympics.

  Thank you