
2021年12月17日 11:11:58


  Passage one

  Wyatt Baldwin has been playing rock, paper. scissors since he was a kid.Thcgame helped him settle disagreements with his three older sisters. "lI never got thechance to pick what we watched on TV until l learned the sport of rock, paper,scissors," he says.

  Baldwin is president of the World Rock Paper Scissors Association.He hasplayed in and hosted competitions all around the globe. He once had a 43-gamewinning streak. What is the secret to his success'?"Look for patterns in either youropponent's moves or behavior," he says.As all serious rock,paper,scissors playersknow,there's more to the game than luck.

  People have been playing rock,paper,scissors for about 2.000 years. It isplayed everywhere. Some cultures use different hand symbols. but the idea is thesame. You and an opponent each "throw" one of three hand symbols. You win,lose,or tie(不分胜负).Many people think the game is all luck. It secms that your chancesof winning and losing are about the same, but the outcome of the game is not random.That's because human behavior isn't random There are patterns in how pcople makedecisions.

  A study at Zhejiang University, in China. looked at how people play rock, paper,scissors. It followed 360 students in a competition. Researchers found two keypatterns. Winners tended to repeat their winning hand symbols.Losers tended to gofrom rock to paper to scissors.

  Knowing the psychology of the game is not a sure ticket to winning. but it canhclp. Ken Watson is one of the world's best rock,paper,scissors players.Hc sayswinning takes skill. "You have to size up your opponent" Luck and chance play apart. but "you have to be prepared and have a strategy," he says."Part of my strategyis being confident."

  According to Baldwin, " practice, practice, practice" is the key to success "Youcan try practicing against yourself in front of a mirror." he says. " But for me,thatalways ended up in a tie.

  11.The support of rock, paper, scissors enabled little Wyatt Baldwin to___

  A.Cut paper with scissor

  B.Reach an agreement with his sistcrs

  C. Learn the sports on TV

  D.Produce TV shows with his sisters.

  12.What is the key to Baldwin's success in the game?

  A .Praying for good luck.

  B.Imitating his rival 's moves.

  C.Figuring out his rival's patterns.

  D.Making friends with his opponent.

  13.What can we learn about the game from Para. 3 ?

  A.The idca of the game varies from culture to culture.

  B.The chances of winning or losing the game arc always equal.

  C.Different cultures usc similar hand symbols to play the game.

  D.The decision-making patterns affect the outcome of the game.

  14.The study at Zhejiang University found that

  A. losers were likely to throw the hand symbol of paper.

  B.loscrs were likely to throw the hand symbol of scissors.

  C.winners were likely to ignore their opponents completely.

  D.winners were likely to repeat their winning hand symbols.

  15.What is Ken Watson's view on the game?

  A. Bcing relaxed is a sure ticket to winning.

  B.Bcing confident can increase the chance to win.

  C.Your chance of winning wholly depends on luck.

  D.Your chance of winning relates to the size of your opponent.