
2021年11月24日 09:27:28



  1.It would save(A)him much(B)trouble if he has(C) known her telephone number(D).

  2.A mature(A) man is one(B) who is good(C) at turning failure into succeed(D).

  3.Which(A) really matters(B) is not what you said(C) but(D) what you did.

  4.Nowhere(A) in the world you can(B) find a man who(C) is more(D) foolish than John.

  5.Whoever(A)leaves(B) the classroom last(C) should turn up(D) the lights.

  6.Considering(A) that she is a mere(B) child,it is not(C) safe to let her go lonely(D).

  7.They believe businesses(A) in other countries is(B) not as competitive(C) as those(D) in America.

  8.It is highly(A) desirable that(B) a new president is appointed(C) for(D) this college.

  9.Have(A) no money but not wanting(B) anyone to know,he simply(C) said he would go without (D)dinner.

  10.My wife said in her(A) letter that she would appreciate(B) to hear(C)from(D) you sometimes.


  1.C has-had

  2.D succeed-success

  3.A which-what

  4.B you can-can you

  5.D turn up-turn off

  6.D lonely-alone

  7.B is-are

  8.C is appointed-be appointed

  9.A have-having

  10.C to hear-hearing