
2021年10月25日 09:40:00



  Say No to Pirated Products

  Piracy is currently becoming a severe problem in China, which happens to products like books, CDs and Softwares in particular. So long as a new product is expected to sell well, its pirated counterparts will always unsurprisingly flood into our eyes.

  Why is piracy so rampant? First and foremost, pirates are madly allured by the huge profits from pirated products due to their considerably low cost. Second, in contrast with the original ones, the pirated products have much lower prices, which is more acceptable by most of the consumers. Last but not least, our government fails to take sufficient measures to prevent it. As a result of all these, piracy is prevailing, and it enriches the unlawful traders but only at the cost of interests of authors, legitimate producers and even customers. Above all, it infringes both authors 'intellectual property rights and legitimate producers'copyrights. In addition, the poor quality of pirated products not only causes tremendous damage to authors'reputation but also misleads customers.

  Therefore, it is high time that piracy should be banned. In my view, a complete law system should be established and strictly carried out. The government should call on everyone to fight against piracy and drastically punish those involved in it. As for us consumers, we should develop our consciousness to resist pirated products.






  in particular 尤其 ; 特别

  So long as 只要 ; “as/so long as”的变体

  Last but not least 最后不能不提 ; 最后但同样重要的是

  As a result of 为…的结果

  at the cost of 以…为代价
