
2021年08月09日 14:45:02



  Albert Einstein was a genius in science,but he did not care about everyday things For instance,he often wore a suit without a tie,and he even went to class in slippers. So there are a lot of anecdotes about him. The following story is one of them

  One day,Einstein went to the kichen to help his wife with cooking. His eyes were full of tears when peeling (剥皮)onions. His wife told him that it would be far more comfortable to peel onions in water .

  A moment later,his wife notice that Einstein disappeared. After failing to find him in sitting room, study and bedroom,she was so anxious that she rushed out to the yard and shouted, "Albert,Albert!"

  Just then, Einstein emerged from the swimming pool and said,"You told me, it' s more comfortable to peel onions in water; I carried out the experiment, only to find I couln"t even open my eyes, or even breathe . You fooled me" .

  51. Which of the following statements is NOT true

  A.Einstein was a talent scientist. B. Einstein didn' t care about anything-

  C. Einstein didn't catch what his wife told him to do. D. Einstein didn' t care about everyday things

  52.The underlined(划线的)word"anecdote" in the first paragraph means________

  A. invention B· interesting story C.article D.fairy tale(神话故事)

  53. Why did Einstein stay in the swimming pool

  A Because he found it was too hot that day.

  B.Because he found it was more comfortable to peelonions in water.

  C.Because his wife told him to do

  D. Because he misunderstood what his wife said.

  54. Whats probably the best title for the passage

  A. Pound wise and penny foolish,

  B. Rome was not bui lt in one day.

  C. Many cooks spoil the soup. D. Where there is a will, there is a way.

  55. The purpose of the passage is to tell us that

  A. Einstein' s wife is a fool

  B. Einstein' s wanted to fool Einstein

  C. Einstein" yi1eis low

  D. even though Einstein is a great scientist,he is not quite smart in
