
2021年08月09日 14:24:13



  Subways are underground trains, which usually operate 24 hours a day. They are found in larger cities and usually run between the suburbs and the downtown area﹒ Maps and schedules are available from the ticket office. If you take the subway often,you can save money by getting a monthly pass (月票).

  City-operated buses run on different ∶routes(线路)and are designed to be at certain places at certain times. Maps and schedules may be posted at certain stops, or they may be available at local banks,libraries, the student union,or from the bus drivers- Buses run mainly during the day.Fare is paid by exact change in coins (硬币),or by monthly passes -

  Taxis are generally more expensive in the United States than in other

  countries. If you use a taxi,be sure you ask the amount of the fare driver before you agree to ride. The usually expects a tip (小费)of 15 percent of the fare.

  1. According to the passage,

  subways are underground trains, which

  usual ly run___

  A. within downtown areas

  B. away from city centers

  C. in or outside big modern cities

  D. between suburbs and city centers

  2. You can get the maps and schedules of the subways

  A. at bus stations

  B. at local banks

  C. in any bookstores

  D. from the ticket offices

  3. From the passage we learn that

  A. buses are always available in 24 hours.

  B. bus riders have to buy monthly passes

  C. bus fare is paid by exact change in coins

  D. buse are the best means of transportation

      4.When you take a taxi,you* d better______

  A. buy a monthly pass

  B. ask about the fare first

  D. pay by the exact change

  C. agree on the amount of the tip in coins

  5. The passage mainly tells us about_________

  A. the bus and train fares in the US

  B. the ways of paying ataxi in the US

  C. the public transportation in the US

  D. the advantage of subways in the US
