
2021年06月02日 16:10:42


  汉译英 & 英译汉

  1. 他一直全身心地扑在工作上。

  2. 和远方的朋友保持联系不是一件容易的事。

  3. 邻居们都不能容忍他那样对年迈的父亲说话。

  4. 人和动物的最大区别在于人能学习并使用语言。

  5. 不管他们说什么,做你认为正确的事。

  6. We have received your letter and would be grateful if you would tell us in detail the way of cooperation.

  7. As far as Advertising and Sales Manager is concerned,excellent oral English is also a necessary requirement.

  8. Everything taken into consideration,the plan put up by our manager seems to be more workable.

  9. When it comes to successful overseas investments than can yield hing profits,the key is which country you should put your capital in.

  10. Thus, if we want to learn to communicate well in a foreign language,we must understand the culture that gives that language meaning.


  1.【答案】He has devoted himself to his work. 此句考查考生对动词词组“devote oneself to sth.”的掌握,以及根据汉语表达“一直”确定正确的 时态。

  2.【答案】It is not easy to keep in touch with friends when they are far away. 此句翻译的关键有二:一是判断出英语应采用形式主语句,原文主语转换成不定式短语;二 是正确使用动词词组“to keep in touch with sb.”来翻译“和……保持联系”。

  3.【答案】The neighbors can’t bear the way he talks to his old father. 与“容忍”对应的英语词语还有“stand, tolerate, put up with”等。此句也可译成宾语从句:The neighbors can’t bear that he talks to his old father (in) that way.

  4.【答案】The biggest difference between human beings and animals lies in the fact that man can learn and use language. 本题考查固定搭配的翻译。考查考生对名词+介词(difference between)和动词+介词(lie in)固定 搭配的掌握,考生易犯的错误是漏掉介词或用错介词。

  5.【答案】Whatever they say/No matter what they say, do what you think is right. 此句考查英语中多重复合句的表达。首先,考生要熟悉汉语 “不管……”在英语中的惯常表达 法为“no matter what...”或者“whatever...”引导的让步状语从句;其次,主句考查的语法点有两 个:一是祈使句的表达,二是宾语从句的表达。

  6. 【翻译】我们已经收到你的来信,如果你能更加详细地告诉我们合作的方式我们将不胜感激。[精析]考察虚拟语气。前半句We have received your letter是个真实的句子,完成时态的翻译:后面是一个虚拟条件句.

  7.【翻译】就广告部和销售经理而言,优秀的英语口语也是项必要的要求。[精析]本题考查as far as... concerned的用法,“就...而言”;necessary requirement“必要的要求”

  8.【翻译】把一切都考虑在内了,我们经理提出的计划看起来更切实可行。[精析]本题考查固定搭配的翻译。take... into consideration .把.....考虑在内;put up by our manager the plan的后置定语翻译成“我们经理提出的计划”;workable 翻译成“切实可行的"。

  9. 【翻译】就海外投资能否成功地获取高额利润而言,关键在于应该把资金投到哪个国家。[精析]考查从句的翻译以及When it comes to的意思“当涉及...,当提到...;the key is which country you should put your capital in.是个表语从句,按顺序直接翻译。

  10.【翻译】因此,如果我们想要很好地用一门外国语言交流,我们必须理解该语言的文化意义。[精析]考察定语从句的翻译。“that gives that language meaning"是个定语从句,要与前面的先行词融合到一起。
