
2023年07月14日 10:25:33

  1. Beijing and Zhangjiakou _______ appying to host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in 2013.

  A. begin

  B. began

  c. have begun

  D. had begun

  2. We believe that the environment in Hubei_______ grealy through our hard work in the near future.A. will be improved

  B. is improved

  C. was improved

  D. has been improved

  3. --Could you tell me______ --You'd better watch CCTV English news on a daily basis.

  A. when I can improve my listening

  B. ifI can improve my listening

  c. how 1 ean improve my listening

  D. why 1 can improve my listening

  4. My parents live in Room 406,1 live in the roomnight above theirs on the_____ floor.

  A. three

  B. five

  c. third

  D. fifth

  5. --May I speak to Jane, please? --Jus a minute! she_____the flowers in the garden.

  A. waters

  B. is watering

  C. watered

  D. will water

  6. I found her sitting in the corner, reading______ newspaper, with in her eyes.

  A. a: tear

  B. a piece: tears

  C. a: tears

  D. a piece of: tear

  7.______you decide todo, you should try to make it a success.

  A. If only

  B. Unless

  C. Wherever

  D. Whatever

  8. So loudly ______that all the people in the room got a fright.

  A. he shouted

  B. shout he

  C. did he shout

  D. he did shout

  9. Let s put the matter to the vote and not waste our time arguing about it,______ ?

  A. shall we

  B. can we

  D. may I

  D. will you

  10. Your children must stop_____ me by asking for candyall day long.I am _____every day by the slow bus service in this town.

  A. annoyed: annoying

  B. to annoy: annoying

  C. annoying: annoying

  D. annoying: annoyed


