
2023年06月13日 10:50:12

  Passage One

  Benjamin Franklin was born in 1706 in Boston, Massachusetts. His mother and father were Puritans (清教徒). They left England and moved to the English colony of Massachusetts in order to escape persecution (迫害) for their religion. In Boston, Franklin left school when he was ten years old and worked for his father for two years. Then he went to work for his brother’s newspaper. He became the editor of this paper when he was sixteen. Because he wanted to be independent, he went to Philadelphia. There he began his own newspaper. He worked hard and saved his money. And by the age of 24, he was one of the most successful men in Philadelphia.

  In 1732, Franklin published a book Poor Richard’s Almanac (年鉴). Most almanacs contained information for farmers, such as information about the days and weeks of the year and about the weather. To his almanacs, Franklin added wise sayings and his observations about life. Some of these sayings are still famous today. For example, “ Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. ” “ Waste not, want not. ” and “A penny saved is a penny earned. ”

  61. Benjamin Franklin was of______.

  A. English origin

  B. Spanish origin

  C. French origin

  D. German origin

  62. Benjamin Franklin’s parents moved to Massachusetts because they wanted______.

  A. to become wealthy

  B. to live with their relatives

  C. to have their own newspaper

  D. to escape religious persecution

  63. Whom did Benjamin Franklin work for at the age of 11?

  A. His father.

  B. His mother.

  C. His brother.

  D. Himself.

  64. Why did Benjamin Franklin move to Philadelphia?

  A. Because his brother disliked him.

  B. Because his brother wanted him to go there.

  C. Because he liked the weather there.

  D. Because he wanted to make a living himself.

  65. Franklin’s almanacs contained all the following EXCEPT______ .

  A. information for farmers

  B. wise sayings

  C. poor Richard’s experiences

  D. his observations about life


  61. 【考点】推理判断题

  【精析】A 根据第一段前三句“Benjamin Franklin...They left England and moved to the English colony of Massachusetts...”可知,本杰明·富兰克林的父母是清教徒,为了躲避宗教迫害,他们从英国搬到英国殖民地——马萨诸塞州的英属殖民地。由此可推知,本杰明·富兰克林是英裔。故选A。


  【精析】D 根据第一段第三句“They left England and moved to the English colony of

  Massachusetts in order to escape persecution for their religion.”可知,本杰明·富兰克林的父母离开英国并搬到马萨诸塞州的英属殖民地是为了躲避宗教迫害。故选D。


  【精析】A 根据第一段第四句“... Franklin left school when he was ten years old and worked for his father for two years.”可知,富兰克林十岁离开学校并为其父亲工作了两年。由此可推知,富兰克林11岁时在为他的父亲工作。故选A。

  64.【考点】事实细节题 .

  【精析】 D 根据第一段倒数第四句“Because he wanted to be independent, he went to Philadelphia.”可知,本杰明·富兰克林去费城是因为想要变得独立,即靠自己生活。故选D。


  【精析】C 根据第二段前三句“...Franklin published a book Poor Richard’s Almanac.

  Most almanacs contained information for farmers... To his almanacs, Franklin added wise sayings and his observations about life. ”可知,富兰克林的年鉴里除了给农民的信息,还增加了至理名言和他对生活的评论。A、B、D 三项都包含在富兰克林的年鉴里;C项在文中并未提及。故选C。

  Passage Two

  Unlike Britain, the United States does not have a national health care service. The government does help pay for some medical care for people who are on low incomes and for old people, but most people buy insurance to help pay for medical care. The problems of those who cannot afford insurance are an important political subject.

  In Britain, when people are ill, they usually go to a family doctor first. However, people in America sometimes go straight to an expert without seeing their family doctor first. Children are usually taken to a doctor who is an expert in treatment of children. In Britain, if a patient needs to see a specialist doctor, his family doctor will usually recommend a specialist.

  Doctors do not go to their homes when people are ill. People always make appointments to see the doctor in the doctor’s office. In a serious situation, people call for an ambulance. In America, hospitals must treat all seriously ill patients, even if they do not have medical insurance. The government will then help pay for some of the cost of the medical care.

  66. Some medical care is paid for by the U.S. government for_______.

  A. people living in the country

  B. government officials

  C. people with insurance

  D. the poor and the old

  67. Most people in the United States buy insurance______.

  A. to help to increase their income

  B. to pay for their own medical care

  C. to improve the national health care service

  D. to solve one of the important political problems

  68. When people in Britain are ill, they will_______.

  A. go straight to an expert first

  B. go to see their family doctor first

  C. buy a medical insurance first

  D. ask someone to recommend an expert first

  69. In America, seriously ill patients will_______.

  A. be treated at home by family doctors

  B. make an appointment with a specialist only

  C. receive treatment even without insurance

  D. never go to see an expert for treatment

  70. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

  A. Health Care in the United States and Britain

  B. Types of Doctors in the United States and Britain

  C. Medical Insurance in the United States and Britain

  D. Treatment of Sick Children in the United States and Britain



  【精析】D 根据第一段第二句“The government does help pay for some medical care for people who are on low incomes and for old peple...”可知,美国政府确实帮助低收入人群和老年人支付一些医疗费用。故选D。


  【精析】B 根据第一段第二句“...but most people buy insurance to help pay for medical care.”可知,大多数人买医疗保险来帮助支付医疗保健的费用。故选B。


  【精析】B 根据第二段第一句“In Britain, when people are ill, they usually go to a family doctor first.”可知,在英国,人们生病时通常会先去看家庭医生。故选B。

  69. 【考点】事实细节题

  【精析】C 根据第三段倒数第二句“In America, hospitals must treat all seriously ill patients, even if they do not have medical insurance.”可知,在美国,医院必须治疗所有的重病患者,即使他们没有医疗保险。故选C。


  【精析】A 通读全文可知,第一段主要介绍了美国医疗保健的情况;第二、三段主要对比介绍了在英国和美国就医的不同情况。A项(美国与英国的医疗保健)最符合文章内容。故选A。

  Passage Three

  When you are cooking with a pressure cooker, you should learn a few rules:

  1. Never leave the cooker unwatched when it is in use.

  2. Add sufficient liquid but never past the recommended fill point. Overfilling the cooker may block the vent pipe (排气) and cause the cooker to explode.

  3. Set the cooking time. Too much time may overcook the food and too little time will lead to undercooked food.

  4. If you are new to pressure cooking, follow the cooking instructions carefully. Heat and time can either result in a great meal or a ruined one.

  5. (5) Never try to force a pressure cooker cover open. Allow the cooker to cool or run it under cool water before trying to open the cover.

  6. Clean the cooker thoroughly after each use. Mild detergent (洗涤剂) and hot water work the best. Do not use stove ash or sand for they may damage the cooker. The gasket (密封圈) is best cleaned in warm soapy water and then dried. Store the gasket on the bottom of the pot.

  71. When using a cooker, the user should______.

  A. keep the cooker under close watch

  B. ignore the cooking instructions

  C. leave out the gasket

  D. always keep the cooker on the stove

  72. According to the instructions, a pressure cooker cover should be opened______.

  A. as soon as the stove is turned off

  B. while the cooker is still cooking

  C. with force when the cooker is hot

  D. after the cooker is cooled down

  73. According to the instructions, which of the following is TRUE?

  A. The gasket should be cleaned thoroughly with cold water.

  B. Mild detergent and hot water can best clean the cooker.

  C. Soapy water will often damage the cooker.

  D. Sand can be used to clean the cooker.

  74. Which of the following operations may be dangerous?

  A. Cleaning the cooker with detergent.

  B. Overfilling the cooker with food and water.

  C. Cooling the cooker with cold water.

  D. Setting the cooking time too short.

  75. The purpose of this piece of writing is to______.

  A. describe

  B. persuade

  C. instruct

  D. narrate



  【精析】A 根据第一条“Never leave the cooker unwatched when it is in use.”可知,在使用压力锅时切忌无人看管,即使用者要看好压力锅。故选A。


  【精析】D 根据第五条第二句“Allow the cooker to coo or run it under cool water before trying to open the cover.”可知,在打开锅盖之前,要让压力锅的温度降下来或用凉水冲它。故选D。

  73. 【考点】事实细节题

  【精析】 B 根据第六条第一、二句“Clean the cooker thoroughly... Mild detergent and hot water work the best.”可知,温和的洗涤剂和热水清理压力锅的效果最好,所以B项正确。根据第六条第四句“The gasket is best cleaned in warm soapy water...”可知,密封圈最好在温肥皂水里清洗并晾干,所以A项错误;C项在文中并未提及;根据第六条第三句“Do not use stove ash or sand for they may damage the cooker.”可知,不要用炉灰或沙子清洗压力锅,因为它们可能会损坏压力锅,所以D项错误。故选B。


  【精析】B 根据第二条第二句“Overfilling the cooker may... cause the cooker to explode.”可知,锅里装太多东西可能会导致压力锅爆炸,所以B项的操作是危险的。根据第六条第二句“Mild detergent and hot water work the best.”可知,温和的洗涤剂和热水清理效果最好.即可以用洗涤剂清洗压力锅,所以A项的操作不危险;根据第五条第二句“Allow the cooker to cool or run it under cool water...”可知,要让压力锅的温度降下来或用凉水冲它,所以C项的操作不危险;根据第三条第二“...too litte time will lead to undercooked food.”可知,烹饪时间太短会导致食物不熟,但并不是危险的操作,所以D项的操作不危险。故选B。


  【精析】C 通读全文可知,文章介绍了使用压力锅时的六条准则。由此可推知,这篇文章的目的是教人们如何使用压力锅。A项意为“描述”;B项意为“劝说”;C项意为“教授,指示”;D项意为“叙述”。故选C。