
2023年02月22日 09:00:34

  1. The manager assured the customer that his complaint would be ________ immediately.

  A.see at

  B.see to

  C.see on

  D.see with

  2. It was not until she had arrived home ________ she remembered her appointment with the doctor.

  A. when

  B. that

  C. and

  D. where

  3. I have two children but ________ of them likes fruits.

  A. none

  B. either

  C. neither

  D. both

  4. Too many natural materials ________ since the beginning of this century.

  A. had been made use of

  B. were used

  C. have been used of

  D. have been made use of

  5 .Stop making so much noise ________ the neighbor will start complaining.

  A. or else

  B. but still

  C. and then

  D. so that


  1.【答案】B。解析:句意:经理向消费者保证他的投诉将马上得到处理。see to负责,处理,照料;see with同意。根据语境可知此处是指投诉将立即被处理,故选B。

  2.【答案】B。解析:考查强调句。句意:她回到家的时候,才想起和医生的约会。“It is/was+被强调部分+that+主语+谓语+...”是表示强调的固定句型。故选B。

  3.【答案】C。解析:考查不定代词。句意:我有两个孩子,但是他们中没有一个喜欢水果。but表示转折所以后半句句意应该是: “ 没有一个”;C. neither表示两者中没有一个,符合题意;A. none表示三者或三者以上中没有一个;B. either表示两者中任何一个;D. both表示两者都。故选C。

  4.【答案】D。解析:考查被动语态。句意:自从本世纪开始,太多的自然资源已被利用。本题是make use of 的被动形式。故选D。

  5.【答案】A。解析:考查连词。句意:不要再造这么大的噪音了,否则邻居们要开始抱怨了。or else要不然,否则;but still但仍;and then然后;so that因此,以便。故选A。
